Im really getting pissed off with OOO. Why cant they fix this authencation error? I don,t know if it,s Steam or OOO either way it,s SUPER annoying!
why steam?
Steam does it because of all of the complainers.
If anyone needs to fix the bug, its Steam. Not OOO.
What even causes the issue anyway? I mean, I'm just sat in haven, and when I accept a prty invite I'm DC'd and can't get back on. (I demand my 10ce back, I'm poor :U)
Steam is having problems. It is not an issue with Spiral Knights. Have you checked to see if Steam has a connection?
im start'n to wish i never did the conversion... also i got a qstn, if you activated a usable that has a time duration on it, like say the token booster, is it time spent use'n it or over all set time. yea cause the steam problem with OOO might be F'n me up on that then.
Also, make sure Steam is updated.
A new update came out, and I forgot to do it...things were better after everything was up-to-date.
pls try again later?
u can always use a guest account on non steam sk if u dont wana spend ur time waiting till u can play
Yeah my awsome knight "Nazzazz" is on my Steam account. Because of that i have to use my super-nooby under developed guy named "Sunderius".
I'm sorry you're having issues. This is unfortunately a Steam issue and doesn't have to do with SK. You can see that they're been experiencing a lot of downtime here:
The only thing you can really do if using Steam is wait until they fix the issue.
Ok, what say you we go whine at the Steam community then, instead of bothering poor nick here? :D I have a steam account. Now all I need is to find the they have forums?
LETS GO RAGE AT STEAM! AND LEAVE THE GUYS AT SK ALONE WHO ARE PROBABLY GOING: "......pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaasssssssssssssssssse stop complaining about this because there is REALLY NOTHING we can do about it.............................................................................sorry"
Or something XD
u got it also just now?
I tried heading back to haven after a failed attempt at flame lash, and i got the authentication issue when tryin to log back in after a DC. This is getting ridiculous and ur right, they need to fix this.