Title says all... not really, you can roleplay as a Gremlin, or anything, AS LONG AS IT ISNT A BOSS!
Setting: Clockworks, anywhere
Characters: Anything, even those pesky knights
Whats NOT allowed: godmod/overpowering
Remember: (( / )) = out of character(s) talk
DF = Darkfang
Iron = Ironclaw
TF = Tenderfoot
DF thwacker: -asleep in emberlight-
TF mender: -a tenderfoot mender walks up to him- hey, im lost, where am i?
DF thwacker: -wakes up- Emberlight, a use-to-be town of outcasts
TF mender: wheres the great colony?
DF thwacker: -points to a bridge- that way
TF mender: -wlaks tot he bridge, and other tenderfoots follow-
((you guys can start here or soemtihng))
wow this wa sa fail thread, SOMEOEND ELETE THIS PLEASE!