Post your pictures =)
What Is Your Top Captures, Defends, and Damage in Lockdown?

like 4k damage and 9 caps and 2 defends.
i'm trying to learn recon as a gunner with polaris and hail driver.
nothing special, so i don't need a screen shot!
advice please!
This is my highest damage. I think the highest defends I got to was 12 in the forest map.
Don't take pictures but:
15.5k damage, 11 defends, 1 capture as recon is my record, and was forest 4v4 with 0 deaths. (vivid details because it was recent, but ive hit 15k a number of times)
I could probably break that with Striker + slow sword (gf/da) + autoaim but I believe you should deselect autoaim and striker to grow up in Lockdown. Anybody who hits 20k with an aiming assist feature on really didnt hit 20k imo.
Gear used, all level 10: Barb with ctr low, stun bomb with ctr med, polaris with aspd med, shock bomb with ctr med, quicksilver helm with shadow med, vog with shadow high, piercing low, +med dmg sword x2 trinket. I've equipped DA as recon but it is a liability when used.
I really wish the statistics presented from lockdown matches were more usable: ranking points only show how unemployed a person is, damage really does not even depict a persons skill since you can get lumped into a random match with a bunch of scrubs who have no chance, there is no real bombing stat, etc. I would like to see the following on the lockdown scoreboard: Rank points that quality not quantity, k/d ratio, number of energy resses used, and lastly, bombs dropped. Joe Newb can bust 10k with a Sealed sword and autoaim against the right opponents. Find a guardian who puts up 10 or a recon who keeps an entire team at their spawn and I'll show you a decent player.

You had MOST PERFECTS gaming conditions skanking:
Perfect tie to the end of the game; left you 8 minutes to just the tiniest map, most perfect to fight often.. LUCKEH

No pics but my records are (I have only played tier 2 so far) 5784 damage and 14 captures (not in the same round). I don't remember my record for defends.
Edit (12/19): Still doing T2, Current highest damage as a guardian: 7034 (12 caps that round), highest caps: 15, highest damage as a striker: 7071 (forgot to look at how many caps)

Heres mine
It was before the update that improved your HP, though I've had some excellent defends in Lockdown.
Heres not my most but I thought it was fun.

Not much point uploading the screen given the records already posted, but mine was something to the effect of 19.8k dmg, 4 caps and 5 defends. Got over 19k a couple times, still can't seem to break the 20k mark though for some reason.

Ive gotten 2k in tier1 and 6k in tier2
#12 wth...conversion tool shows 108k dollar value :x, pls some1 pinch me

my best dmg on LD T2 :x

Photoshop fun??
I guarantee the damage is real though.

This is my best score so far:

16k damage, tier 2, with an elemental Brandish. Gotta love those small 6v6 maps & people who want to fight all the time :)
Normally I'm just in the 4-5k range.

Any day I top 3k damage (T2) is a good day. It's not spectacular compared to other weapon loadouts, but it serves me well.
I'm sure I've done better than this in other games, but I don't often grab screencaps.

Not my best damage but some interesting numbers.
:D and i coined a new form of taunting just for spiral knights ( I dunno if I i should be proud or not XD )

Actually, I take back what I said on my previous post. Any day I top 5k damage in T2 is a good day. I think I'm really, really starting to like the Micronome (Super Blast Bomb) and Sun Shards combo. I just need to think up a cute name for the Sun Shards now...
Sadly I missed out on an Emerald Bombhead mask that game. Thanks, team. But I suppose if I'm too QQ about it I could just buy one from Sullivan, it at least wasn't one of the really rare ones.
im finally qualified \o/

I've only got 3 star stuff so I do T2 all the time.
My most captures were 15 (with 2 defends and 3747 damage)
My most defends were 10 (with 3 captures and 5232 damage)
And here is my most damage:

Forgot to take a screenshot, but so far my best has been;
10,099 Damage
10 Captures

but my best stats, each from a separated match, are:
around 11k damage
12 caps
6 defends

Best I've got is something around 5k. I was in T2 LD and the other team was really easy.
Here is a screenshot of me doing nearly 5k, not my best though:

I play guardian only in T3.
I think the most damage I have ever done is around 17k
Most caps has to be 14
Most defends has to be 8

Someday..I'm going to upgrade my Faust/Grand Flourish.
That day is not today. Don't remember best caps, here's best damage and defends.

my best cap was 11 and like 4 defends. It was on the Ruins, I think.
I got 15k as my best damage, and I play a guardian almost exclusively. It was a LOT of recons pouring in on me, and my tempest and BTB chopping them all to ribbons. I'm pretty sure there was a point where the whole team was dead at my feet at the same time.
I can't effin believe some guy managed over 25k damage. Darn it.