Im not sure if any1 else felt that the monsters are suddenly really strong. They seem to have all gotten stronger.
Too strong?

They get stronger as you go down too, but... that doesn't sound like it's what you're talking about. No, there doesn't seem to have been a jump in power overall AFAIK. How are they stronger, exactly? More health, stronger attacks...? Did you change your equipment recently? Are you fighting enemies with the wrong damage types... I'm not sure what you mean, here.

really now? i've actually never noticed are you in like a different tier ?

monsters are no match for me in tier 1,2 even 3 >:/

The monster most likely found some steroids it was about time.

I haven't noticed a difference recently.
I know that enemies in the new danger rooms are stronger than normal. I think they have as much health as they would if you were in a 4 man party, regardless of your actual party size.
But other than that, I haven't noticed anything unusual.

maybe its from all the pvp?getting used to three hits and theyre dead are ya? they seem stronger to me too.

What i mean is that all the monsters attack has suddenly been boosted.

I havent noticed monsters getting stronger, what i have notice however... is that lag is getting worse. so it might seem that monsters are stronger when they hit you more often. especially in tier 3 ; p

The only hard mobs are greavers en mass D:
The bigger the party is, the stronger they are. Can't think of anything els.e.