The best course of action is to sell things for high prices in the auction house. Buying/selling lockboxes/trinkets there can create a nice listing fee that helps lower the soon to spike CE price. Now, at first everyones gonna be buying, so it'll drop some, but in the long run it's gonna jump, since CE will be in higher demand, and the lottery wheel increases the supply of crowns. Plus, since accesories get destroyed when unbound, for no good reason, the pain will keep coming.
I'm not saying that I think OOO was trying to trick us or pull a buissness trick, but it really wasn't implimented too well, considering CE is already at 6k. A better idea would be to make an energy purchase package that includes keys, and make the keys cost crowns and ce, but still expensive. Then take out that multigendered merchant that destroys your trinkets.
Might I add,
chris; "Boycotting the items will make them more rare which will make their price go up"
Yhea, their crown price, wise one. This means that the auction listing fees will increase, sinking more crowns. Causing a lower CE price. That's a good thing, in most peoples eyes. You sir, have trolled yourself.
The question is would SK be better served if cosmetic items like accessories were available to more people. There are two lines of thought:
1) Cosmetic items are for end game players. Only those with tons of game currency to blow can get them, and it may cause more people to buy CE in order to get them. SK benefits via slightly increased CE flow, a new goal for players to work toward; OOO benefits from increased cash flow.
2) Cosmetic items are made attainable for all players. Everyone gets to customize their character to a reasonable degree at a reasonable cost; the option for rarer accessories is still available to end game players. SK benefits from more variety and interest; OOO receives no immediate, measurable benefit.
It would seem like #1 is more in line with what is happening, and I don't blame OOO. As long as new content is being added, the publicity boost and content will help the game's longevity. #2 might provide a slightly bigger boost, but it has little measurable effect for OOO's bottom line. Likewise, #2 is likely to backfire- by making accessories easily obtainable, people would not spend time playing toward a goal, and in the long term it would not improve the game's longevity at all. So in the end, the situation is not too surprising.