So when I first saw this update there was a bit of hidden rage that quickly turned into hilarity as I laughed at how expensive keys were.
It's $2.50 (only in CE instead of straight up cash), the same price as keys in one of it's recently closest buddies, TF2.
Is that a problem? No, I'm not forced to get keys and a not at a disadvantage for not having them, but I didn't want 3128418274 lockboxes in my inventory.
And then I went on a guild run and accidentally got three. I thought my luck sucked, seeing as no one else in my party got one.
I thought that someone looked at my steam inventory and saw I opened crates in TF2 quite a lot and therefore raised my chances.
If this be the case then thank you: because no one realizes how useless they are yet, I just made 160000 cr.
Next week, all the value should've gone to keys, and lockboxes should be next to worthless.
But the accessories look nice (if I wanted them enough it would be worth the money) and the prize wheel is an awesome idea.