when you turn an oh lets say a 2* item to 3* dose it keep its Accessories?
do you keep you Accessories when you upgrade

screenshot your item, try upgrading and if it deletes it contact a gm.

The item keeps its accesories so long as the resulting upgrade has a compatible slot for it.
so if i were to upgrade my seraph helm to valk with vertical vents on it it would stay there?

The accessory transfers over so long as there is a matching accessory slot on the item you are attempting to craft. If it does not, you will receive a warning that crafting the item will result in a loss of whichever accessory is not compatible. So you always have the option to change your mind.
Wouldn't it be a good idea when you are putting on the accessory to warn you that its possible upgrades might destroy it?

+1 on warning when attaching the accessory. Just a simple box saying "this accessory can not be retained if you upgrade your X into a Y, Z or W"

Yeah, It would be nice to warn players when the 5* versions on the item don't have a matching slot.
I'm thinking wolver and auras for example.
to answer that question. I'd HOPE they transfer like variants :)