For the achievement "Cradle and All" it requires for you to go from depth 0 to depth 29 in a single expedition, but how are you supposed to go down 29 floors when going down costs 10 mist energy per level and you only have 100 mist energy? Any information would help! Thanks :D
"Cradle and All" Achievement question
Thu, 10/06/2011 - 17:46
Thu, 10/06/2011 - 17:59

Or, you could've saved your
Or, you could've saved your mist tanks like I did.
Thu, 10/06/2011 - 18:02

wait for a powersurge weekend
wait for a powersurge weekend (5M/CE for the lift instead of the usual 10) in the mean time train a bit in T3 so you won't die and when the new powersurge comes buy some CE and if your training paid off you'll get both "Cradle and All" & "Dauntless Delver" easy as pie
hope that answers your question and have fun on your future trip to the core :)
(oh and an other thing if you don't want to die in T3 or even T2 during the bossfight take the snarby gate)
Fri, 10/07/2011 - 07:38

The fact that you don't know
The fact that you don't know that you use your CE after Mist is used up is proof enough that you aren't ready to even get close to the core. Play a bit more and you will figure out all the little niches of the game. Good luck diving.
In this game, anything that costs more than 100 energy is achievable by (A) using your daily mist energy to earn crowns, (B) buying CE with those crowns, (C) repeating until you have enough CE. This is how you got your 4* equipment (needed to go below depth 18), right?