Are there going to be any seasonal/holiday events for spiral knights?

definitively one for Christmas seeing we had it last year. snipes in santa hats =p.
hope Halloween to.

I want a possible CE pack like the regalia event for Halloween maybe some costumes / accessories -_- I swear if that came out i will buy tons and tons of CE just to get the items -_-

Last I checked, the game came out April of this year, only beta testers could access it last Christmas. But I could be wrong.

Well there were Santa hats for players, snipes and monsters...

I'm gunna...gunna...

I'm pretty sure they'll have one for christmas. I'd love an event for halloween.

every one has fallen back to the rescue camp Lord Vanaduke has seized haven. now we must fight to take back whats ours
- fight the legions of undead
- save the captured snipes
- new accessories
(its and idea who knows it might be fun)

Heck yeah seasonal events!
I remember, way back when I used to play a game called dragonfable, they'd hold an event for EVERY holiday, from st. patricks day, friday the 13th, and even your characters birthday - having some sort of armor, weapon, etc that you could take from it if you participated.
I don't see OOO doing too many holidays, but having some sort of seasonal event or items would be awesome.
That and candy cane swords.
So many candy cane swords.

Ah, Dragon Fable.
So much time wasted on playing that Game, along with AQWorlds...So much time...*Sigh*
Pretty fun ride, though.

Seasonal events are pretty nice and it often times motivates players to do stuff they normally wouldn't.
Probably. One for Halloween and one for Christmas, most likely.
I want my Candy Cane sword, Devs. Give it to me or suffer the consequences.