Testing Feedback (10/08/11)

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My feedback for today. Today, I managed to do both bosses in time :D

Firestorm Citadel
-The Levels-
For one, There is a glitch on the first level, last battle room. The gate is already down, you can go straight to the lift.
As for the challenge - It starts off very promising, Weird zombies popping up, Traps everywhere mixed with turrets. I like it... The level in itself provides a great challenge, And I love the fact that Slag Guards are finally occupying the citadel itself, and not just Vanaduke.
As we reached the 2nd level, We found the new challenge rooms fairly tough. Was a good match. The third level however (Ashen Armory), the challenge was promising, but it was to easy to lore the enemies to the area easiest to kill them. On the last level, I think more could be done with the stairs after the 1st battle room, You didn't seem to mod it in any way I saw.
-The Boss-
Well, I have to hand it to you. That was the most cheap shots and bullets I ever died from. You did a great job making it difficult, but, the bullet hell gets laggy, As well as that the slag guards don't always despawn properly, We got stuck with 6 at once on a mask phase. Also, Love Vana's new paint job.
-Over All-
It had a good promising challenge, I couldn't even count all of the revives I used. This will keep people busy for ages trying to take him down as painless as possible. Although Something I did notice is Vana moved significantly slower then he normally does. One thing does concern me though, and that is the Tokens... I'll get to that at the end.

Ironclaw Munitions Factory
-The Levels-
I did this solo to save time, And I finished right on time. The monsters are tough, you got such a odd mix in there its hard to always switch strategy based on what your fighting. And mixing Shock with fire is just painful. I love it. A few problems I found though, Is you can run away from most enemys and just continue on ahead trapping them behind a door spinner. I also find by keeping enemys behind the spinners, you can just release a few at a time to divide the room and make this fairly easy. The last challenge however, Absolutely monstrous. It was a great challenge probably impossible to solo and if it weren't for the unlimited energy I wouldn't have walked out of there.
-The Boss-
Great paint job, they look terrifying. I am a little worried on the difficulty though, You could do more with this. Its the same old boss killed with the same cheap trick. I recommend mixing more types of monster spawns coming at you throughout it, Maybe even gremlins trying to stop you.
-Over All-
Was a fairly decent challenge, Although it was to easy to just run at some points. I revived a fair amount which shows its best to fight this as a team as long as the team uses the divide strategy.

And Finally...

I was very disappointing when I picked up those Almire Seals, and Bark Modules.. For a serious player these tokens will be a disappointment, Why waste so many revives when you can just do a easier version. You need new tokens for these hardened bosses, with new rewards to keep us wanting to go through those levels. They're a great challenge, now give them a great reward.