What was the point of this update? Dev Team needs to spend their time elsewhere.

The new fsc is not even hard at all, it's pretty much a FIXED fsc.
It is about as hard as fsc was back when we were doing it in 4* gear before the monster nerf...
I soloed d24-d26 without taking damage with under 15 fps at all times...
Edit: soloed d24 through new vana with 2 deaths both due to the game freezing because of my $400 laptop's fps problems.
No UVs either, this would make it significantly faster and easier.
Why don't we get NEW content instead of updated old content?
Give us new levels, better gear, and harder new bosses.
New tiers/Levels
New Bosses
New/Better gear
New recipes
Harder content
This is what the community wants, not revamped fsc and ironclaw.
I've been playing spiral for over a year and 99% of the players I talk to agree that we don't want updated content. We want new and harder content.

I don't get it....
Is this about the testing session?

I don't understand why people just think that...
SOLO = easier...
TEAM= A lot of harder without dying (but you save energy doing so)

i think that this is stupid SEND IN THE GREMLIN KING

"Edit: soloed d24 through new vana with 2 deaths both due to the game freezing because of my $400 laptop's fps problems."
This is completely believable though. I felt like it was relatively well-tuned the first time through, but it is too easy to learn the encounters and honestly, I see this place being solo'd deathless within 2 days of release. Heck, if I didn't have real life issues to deal with, I might probably have attempted a solo deathless attempt on "Ultimate" FSC already, which have a fairly reasonable chance of happening on my fourth time in the place. That is too easy.

This game definitely needs a new boss or two that belongs in T3 with a greater difficultly than UFSC. The thing is... will OOO listen to us and make that happen? Pretty much everyone that has posted on the testing server does not feel like this content is worthwhile and would like to see something different.

Y'know, it's kinda important to note a few words spoken by the developers in the testing announcement:
"Please note that these boss stratums are not the complete experience,
but are what we are currently seeking to test at this time."
In other words, OOO is still hiding some cards, and we can only take somte estimated guess at what the rest of the experiance is about. But that's all it is; guesses. IF you're going to complain about the update, at least do after they show their entire hand. For all we know, the update could be more than just harder versions of the current boss stratums (Something I actually do agree with them doing); they could even end up opening the core, but that saying a lot.

They should just remove the attack warnings from Mobs in these tiers and see how much harder it becomes.

"n other words, OOO is still hiding some cards, and we can only take somte estimated guess at what the rest of the experiance is about. But that's all it is; guesses. IF you're going to complain about the update, at least do after they show their entire hand. For all we know, the update could be more than just harder versions of the current boss stratums (Something I actually do agree with them doing); they could even end up opening the core, but that saying a lot."
Yeah, but if this is a test of the DIFFICULTY of the encounters, they're not difficult enough. Unless they're hitting us with some new game mechanics, other than curse and having to deal with two elements at once, then this won't hold back the top end players enough. I honestly would love to see something so challenging I want to spend money to gear up, but they just aren't providing it. As is, the end game content will continue to be soloable in skolver.
That's right, nothing new in this testing session, just pure redisign.