The new fsc is not even hard at all, it's pretty much a FIXED fsc.
It is about as hard as fsc was back when we were doing it in 4* gear before the monster nerf...
I soloed d24-d26 without taking damage with under 15 fps at all times...
Edit: soloed d24 through new vana with 2 deaths both due to the game freezing because of my $400 laptop's fps problems.
No UVs either, this would make it significantly faster and easier.
Why don't we get NEW content instead of updated old content?
Give us new levels, better gear, and harder new bosses.
New tiers/Levels
New Bosses
New/Better gear
New recipes
Harder content
This is what the community wants, not revamped fsc and ironclaw.
I've been playing spiral for over a year and 99% of the players I talk to agree that we don't want updated content. We want new and harder content.
That's right, nothing new in this testing session, just pure redisign.