Hey Guys Get a Load of this guy he is going crazy over the new update...
jajajajja i was craking up from start to finish OMG!
let me know what you guys think about him!
Hey guys get a load of this guy!!
OK this is the same guy he has i really problem, talk about internet trough guy complex going go on here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g3sMNUNyZgA&feature=related
my best bit is when he start talking about Stevy wonder and what he's going to do to him O_o
this guy need some anger classes badly
made me lol hard!
Some people really need to remember it is a game and not worth getting your panties in a bunch over. TF2 TF2 this phrase never seems to end? Is this like the hardcore gamers Runescape?
I sure hope he is not serious. I could not tell....that's the sad thing.
I've never opened a crate...
I've never opened a lockbox...
C'mon try to resist video maker, I know you can do it... :D
I personally don't like the 750 CE per key thing, but seriously?
It's a game; people should be ranting on how the U.S. Congress can't get anything done because of petty bipartisan division. THAT'S something people should be ranting about.
Honestly, I just don't see a bright future with adults/teenagers like this existing.
This is deeply depressing.
This world is deeply depressing.
Someone ban that guy. removing a single letter doesn't make swearing any less offensive. How come this forum doesn't have a Report button?
It's funny because I saw this guy yesterday bitching about it in a corner with what I'm going to assume is the only two friends he's got on Spiral Knights to begin with, ragging on anyone who opened a box near them.
the guy is an idiot and i would kick him from any of my groups if i knew who he was
he complains and moans about the game but guess what... he still plays it seems. if it really was that bad he would have quit long ago and moved on.
People need to stop uploading video opinions to youtube.... I keep finding people who complain that much also have voices that are just too obnoxious to be used in public. At least in text form I might pick up a few key points before I come to the conclusion that your an idiot.
...but this..... The ability to punch people in the face over the internet can't come soon enough.
I can understand some of the rants that SK has become very profit-driven. I remember in the beta when the core was a work in progress... and we still have no core to see. And the direction has taken it to PVP and achievements and other optional content, but I'd like to see some expansion on the lore and the world other than a couple of modules here and there.
But let's face it. Spiral Knights is huge. They have the backing of Sega and had hit over one million users since July. Three Rings has to pay the bills, and this is one of the ways of doing it.
(As far as energy goes, I feel like they've been trying to superficially deflate the value of energy by making content energy-wise super expensive. I think that's my gripe; they opened up the game giving everyone who bought energy a 25% markup and made a very rich energy economy that they had to deal with by making energy drains. I think these energy drains probably hit the new users the hardest that want to try and get some of this new content.)
I think he's a loser not worthy of licking Boswick's Bush.
You told me to say so.