Taken from a few days ago...
Someone is obviously trying TOO hard to have fiends and undead... who could be behind all this?
Taken from a few days ago...
Someone is obviously trying TOO hard to have fiends and undead... who could be behind all this?
o noez!!! OOO has to change the gate creation AGAIN!!
They'll run out of minerals eventually. In the mean time, no better excuse to grind through crafting up a Dread Skelly shield, Valkyrie Helm and Deadshot Mantle.
There's already been a thread about this
There's no controlling it. It's all about mineral abundance, and it's not equal or random. The most common ones(and the ones that more commonly comes in larger sizes) are purple, the proof for this is seen everywhere in dormant gates, you can see that almost all crown rewards for the purple mineral is +2 and it also goes down to +1 and +0, it's rare to see it at +3. After purple is blue, as blue also becomes +2 commonly, after blue is red because it's mostly stable at +3 but it sometimes goes down to +2, after red is green because it doesnt come down to +2 that much, and the rarest one is yellow, it's rare to see the yellow prices to go down to +2 and it's mostly at +3 but it is the most common one to jump to +4, I know because I can always find at least one gate with yellow at +4. So it's purple, blue, red, green, and yellow from most common to least. This is from my own observation because I consciously sell minerals to make the most crowns out of it.
Edit: Right now I think red(and maybe even green) has become more common than blue because in the more recent prices, blue has been a stable +3 and green and red has been dipping at +2. A few weeks ago, blue has definitely been more likely to go down to +2, maybe the middle ones shift rarity or something but I'm absolutely sure about yellow and purple.
And here's how minerals affect gates;
Go here for reference http://wiki.spiralknights.com/Gate_construction go to the bottom part at the 'how minerals affect gates'
If you do the math with the table and the abundance of minerals, It becomes pretty obvious how poison, feinds, ghosts, and also shock are common and how other gates are less common.
The most recent gate, someone put an extra about 1k purple crystals per floor except the first. It's hard to surmount, but I was able to turn the last tier into shock... which is worse. My bad. Goddamn anti-mineral disruption. :D
P.S. The reason I have more dark crystals than any other color is that I don't use them. I try my best to turn gates into a beast and slime paradise.
Uhh what are you talking about? The first stratum in the new gate has 23k purple. How would you know that 'someone' put 1k in each stratum? And who would have 4k purple crystals lol.
There's already been a thread about this
There's no controlling it. It's all about mineral abundance, and it's not equal or random. The most common ones(and the ones that more commonly comes in larger sizes) are purple, the proof for this is seen everywhere in dormant gates, you can see that almost all crown rewards for the purple mineral is +2 and it also goes down to +1 and +0, it's rare to see it at +3. After purple is blue, as blue also becomes +2 commonly, after blue is red because it's mostly stable at +3 but it sometimes goes down to +2, after red is green because it doesnt come down to +2 that much, and the rarest one is yellow, it's rare to see the yellow prices to go down to +2 and it's mostly at +3 but it is the most common one to jump to +4, I know because I can always find at least one gate with yellow at +4. So it's purple, blue, red, green, and yellow from most common to least. This is from my own observation because I consciously sell minerals to make the most crowns out of it.
Edit: Right now I think red(and maybe even green) has become more common than blue because in the more recent prices, blue has been a stable +3 and green and red has been dipping at +2. A few weeks ago, blue has definitely been more likely to go down to +2, maybe the middle ones shift rarity or something but I'm absolutely sure about yellow and purple.
And here's how minerals affect gates;
Go here for reference http://wiki.spiralknights.com/Gate_construction go to the bottom part at the 'how minerals affect gates'
If you do the math with the table and the abundance of minerals, It becomes pretty obvious how poison, feinds, ghosts, and also shock are common and how other gates are less common.
I find it peculiar that each stratum except the first on the current gate (which is prone to autosell and thus doesn't matter) had just over 1k lead in purple crystals before it turned over. (I was there at the witching hour, trust me, it was my fault that the last stratum is shock.)
Look, I know you are trying to imply that I can't accept the possibility of randomness, but nothing like this has happened in the past X gates. (Keep in mind they aren't fiends, I have made them beasts for my own pleasure.) I keep a hoard of minerals just for manipulating gates, but even 500 of each is too hard to come up with weekly. As a single person I cannot surmount 1k worth of stacked purple crystals. :D
Finally, your observations that certain crystals spawn more than others (and you say "I think") are baseless. Where's the dev response or statistical data to back it up?
Baseless my noodle pie. I gave you my bases for that. I know that the other minerals might be wrong but it's pretty obvious that purple is the most common and yellow is rarer than the others. You can see that, that's a fact.
People who hoard minerals just for the purpose of manipulating gates exist. I am one of them, though I am not making fiend gates.
First of all, you can't assume that everyone puts in their minerals after they are picked up.
Second, you can't assume that everyone is using autosell.
Third, you can't assume that everyone is trying to maximizing profit of their minerals. (I would put into a 1cr/mineral color if necessary.)
Finally, you can't prove a fact using a personal observation.
Face it, crystal counts in gate construction are not entirely random.
So until there is a dev response or a statistical spreadsheet, your observations are baseless. Nostalgia, IMO, "I think" and "If I remember correctly" are not good enough.
Yeah, I believe! Hallelujah!
Would you just prefer them to remove every button but autosell and limit your choice in construction to which gate you dump them in? I'm a highest price type myself, I collect yellow the most and dark the least because of what those sell for (though bigger crystals are always better either way), and overall don't care much about stratum themes.
There is no conspiracy. This is actually happening. The only part that is theory is to ponder why it is being done.
At people who auto-sell - I laugh at you. I make more money in one FSC run than the surplus CR that any one person receives in a month using their minerals for non-gate creation purposes. You waste your voting power for nothing, meanwhile there are others out there, such as myself, that have the power to determine what content you run.
And we care either way why?
Hint: We don't, or we would.
Its me. Problem?