So, I tried all four ultimate versions of the bosses and now I'm going to write my feedback.
Jelly King:
Lag - None.
Difficulty - I really did not see any change in difficulty from the current Jelly King. The turrets would be a nice addition if they were not tier one turrets. The knockback can get annoying but it was not much of a threat. The new healing is hardly noticed, to be honest. We did not have to resurrect during this whole fight.
Rewards - The rewards were fine for the amount of effort put into this boss.
Bugs - I did not see any while playing this level.
Conclusion - There really is not much to say about the "ultimate" Jelly King because it really just felt like a buff or a re-work rather than a beefed up boss fight.
Roarmulus Twins:
Lag - Some but after a second play through most of it seemed to have settled.
Difficulty - To be honest this is the only ultimate level I believe is alright because you guys do not spawn a crap load of stuff like the other bosses, the enemies are predictable, the traps/bombs are easy to dodge/avoid and the Mario themed rotating bullets need better placement because it seemed like you guys just felt like you had to place those anywhere in the level making these more of an annoyance than a trap. The boss fight did not seem that difficult, although the random Gremlin healer seemed out of place there should be a spawning pad for those guys if there is then I did not see it and they are fine. The new fire/shock theme is alright. The one main problem I have is resurrecting; the first time I played the level I was at 500 energy per resurrection and the second time I was around 200+, which is not too bad but I believe it would be a pain to actually try this with my own energy, although with practice and great teamwork we can cut that down.
Rewards - The rewards need to be beefed up just like the levels were.
Bugs - There was one bug but I cannot remember it!
Conclusion - I like the changes to this boss and if you were to ask me which of the four should be implemented then I would pick the Roarmulus Twins.
Lag - None.
Difficulty - Well, I was probably just as mad about this level as I am about Lord Vanaduke's. I got the feeling that this is what you guys were thinking when you created this level, "Hmmm, I think we should put Wolvers in this spawn! Lets just make this spawn zombies and ghosts and you know what lets spawn Snarbolax for the heck of it! HAHAHAHAHA! Oh, they made it to level two!? Well then how about MORE wolvers, zombies, ghosts, and turrets!!! WAIT! They need healers! Now what else can we do...OH YEAH! Spikes! Lets make this a checkerboard themed spike floor!" That is how I feel you were guys were thinking. Really? I got frustrated when Snarbolax spawned and started to beat the crap out of everybody on the first floor but after a while I looked past that and continued on. To my utter amazement we came across a room that had a checkerboard themed spike floor...honestly??? Just fill the whole room with spikes if you're going to do that or if you want to keep the spikes just lower the number of enemies. What really got me going was the number of enemies that spawned in any given area. Do you guys not want the players to complete these? Five alphas, ten little alphas, four - six turrets, two - three lumbers, eight - ten zombies, two - five kats, and to top all that wondeful spawning off, two - three wings (butterflies that heal). I kept feeling overwhelmed with these spawns and they should be toned down a bit. The boss fight was BY FAR one of the best ultimate boss fights that I have had. The double Snarbolax combo was awesome and the poison gave me more of a reason to shield. By the middle of the second floor I had hit 1000 energy for one resurrection...
Rewards - For something of this difficulty, I would think that the players would get a better reward.
Bugs - During the boss fight the healers would just sit in the corners and not heal. I do not know if this was intended or if it is a bug but it looked like it was worth reporting.
Conclusion - Due to the vast amount of spawns, I would not waste my energy on this boss unless we got some other kind of reward besides the Frumious Fangs. The spawns really need to be fixes because right now it's just too much crap coming at the players at once.
Lord Vanaduke:
Lag - On levels one and two I had zero lag but as soon as I reached level three thats where it started and it only went downhill from there. By the time we got to Vanaduke's room my FPS was so low that my character would literally be at point A one second and without touching any keys I would be at point B on the next second. It was aggravating and it ruined the boss fight for me. But I will say this, the second time we went down the lag was gone until Vanaduke would knock the ceiling down on us, thats the only time my FPS would drop on the second run.
Difficulty - What can I say? Those Slag Guards...*Sigh*. Ok. Seriously. Slag Guards NEED more moves. I hate their charge attack. It's the ONLY thing they do. What you should do is make the Slag Guards smaller and give them a skill that will increase their size but after a while they will shrink back forcing them to use it again and maybe a random lance attack could be nice but this full on charge crap is annoying. The curse zombies were fun to fight because of their shields and the fact that they can cause CURSE. Also, the Slag Guards cause curse. Now lets talk about the spawns because this is where I felt you guys went too far. There is a room on level three, I think. This room is a circle with spikes lining the walls. My first thought when I entered this room was, "Oh this does NOT look fun." and guess what. I was right. You guys gave us the a small circle to fight in and then you spawn about fifteen curse zombies AND a totem, where are we supposed to put that totem? Hm? On the spikes? Well, back to the subject of the room. After we killed about ten zombies guess what happened! MORE spawned and a freaking Slag Guard joined them. Ugh. So, we're fighting about twenty zombies and some big guy that just keeps charging across our screen smacking every thing it touches and this is not the worst. Once we killed those even MORE spawned. Really? REALLY???? Fix that. Just the vast amount of spawns needs to be lowered in ultimate Vanaduke. Just like with Snarbolax, I felt overwhelmed. The boss fight was fun, except for those freaking Slag Guards and the lag. By the third floor I was resurrecting for 1000 energy.
Rewards - ....not worth it....
Bugs - I found a few bugs with the Slag Guards for instance can charge through the white mist looking gates, which most enemies cannot do. Also, in Vanaduke's floor the Slag Guards can get stuck behind the alters and if a knight is behind said alter, which was my case, then good luck getting out. We just had to kill the big guy to get out.
Conclusion - The spawns need to be turned down a bit there was just too much being spawned.
That is my feedback if anybody would like to post their feedback using my layout then you can. Have fun commenting. :D
I don't think the new Royal Jelly is meant to be an "Ultimate" version, but rather a refined version of the current tier 2 boss (that's why they gave us tier 2 gear).
As for the other things you said, yeah, I agree more or less, although I'd personally like the Roarmulus Twins to be harder, and I really, really dislike Snarby.