To that end Satellite of Love is holding open recruiting for new recruits.
Founded on the principle "free games ought to be free" the Satellite was launched from Asteroid F to enable newcomers to the game to acquire mid-range gear for a leg up to sustainability. SoL is based on the precepts of fair-play, camaraderie, humor. If you are looking for a guild of teammates that plays to play, cheats to win, and above all, doesn't take itself so damn seriously, then read on and decide if you are SoL, too.
What IS Important:
* Literacy. If "u r a playorz that kant rite a few werds 2 creat a simple msg 2gether lulzlulz, trololol, ad nauseum", then please, move along.
* Situational awareness. A reluctance to rush to one's, and one's teammates', imminent deaths is desirable.
What IS NOT Important:
* Gear, Tier access, Experience, Money, Energy, Connection speed, etc.
SoL offers its members many benefits, such as free materials and at-cost recipe farming and crafting. Please see our guild page, "Satellite of Love (Guild)," to review the, erm, fine print...
To request an interview, i.e. go on a run with an SoL officer, please mail, IN-GAME, to 'aremel,' 'evildrf,' or 'nikobraz.' Do not reply here, as this thread is not checked nearly as often as I play, and do not add as a friend in-game as unsolicited friend requests tend to get deleted out-of-hand.
thanks, have fun. now get out and push!