A small update was released today to address a few issues and fix some bugs. Also included:
* The Dread Skelly Mask and Suit now correctly require the Sinister Skelly Suit as a prerequisite.
* Fixed a couple missing recipe name translations, and added descriptions for a number of bombs and handguns.
* Removed Health/Remedy Capsules from subtown vendors.
* Added Vitapods to subtown vendors.
* Lumbers' attack speed has been decreased.
* Lumbers' damage area has been decreased.
* Jelly cubes' attack speed has been decreased slightly.
* Jelly cubes are slightly more aggressive in Tier 1.
* Lichens have had their windup time doubled.
* Trojans now wander about when they have no target.
* Vanaduke has regained his ability to cast fire snakes.
* Royal Jelly's tantrums are now slightly less violent.
* The progress tab in the character panel has been updated to offer more clarity.