I have for sale ALL of the following, message me in game or leave something here. Offers accepted. I will be updating this frequently.
Beast scale 3 : 350
Blighted Bone : 8000
Bronze Bolt 12 : 150
Brute Core 7 : 1200
Cooling Cell 8 : 500
Driftwood : 500
Ecto Drop 14 : 200
Frost Gel 8 : 500
Forbidden Fruit 8 : 750
Fuel Canister 2: 1000
Gel Core 16 : 400
Gel Drop 52 : 200
Ghost Bell 2 : 6000
Grave Soil 3 : 500
Gremlin Gizmo 6 : 500
Hailstone 7 : 1000
Mug of Misery 2 : 12500
Nightshade 2 : 2000
Phial of Phear 2 : 3500
Power cell 2 : 750
Reaper Rib 2 : 50000
Redwood : 2500
Rocket Sprocket: 1000
Scrap Metal 49: 200
Silver Coil : 7500
Soul Dust 4 : 1000
Static Clinger : 750
Sword Stone 10 : 1200
Toxic Core : 2000
WTS Tons of materials 1star to 5 star
Mon, 04/11/2011 - 19:48
Legacy Username