The more you know* (C) NBC
Bombing sure is fun in lockdown
The only reason VT appears overpowered is cuz everyone went skolver trying to save themselves from freeze/kill faster. When I catch a few vogs without freeze UVs...yeah shock is nothing.
I wouldnt bother with AoA, there's still enough vog around to make that just barely an annoyance(I guess it can interrupt charges but eh...). For that similar reason(skolver), DBB is kind of meh (I dont have one I have the 4* but I've seen others use it and I use the 4*, pretty unimpressive to me). Nitro might be worse for the fact everyone has normal defense, it is the leviathan of bombs.
Consider RSS though, sometimes pulling it out surprises people, and I've seen people chase me and run right over all 8 shards, but I rarely use that, since I run with 3 slots. I wouldn't go all bomb though, you're asking to get wiped by a kamikaze swordsman.
But maybe I feel this way because I'm never trying for damage, I'm after stalling :D and that's also why its not popular, everyone wants to slash/slash/slash with a few guns in between, actually having to STOP for a second because there's a ring of annoyance around makes them mad. My biggest weaknesses are guns and guardians *cough* but some people seem to miss this very obvious weakness. So that's why I'm for the status bombs. But if more people were wearing divine and guardians, I couldn't do anything. Why? With enough shock resistance they have nothing to fear from lowering their shield, and the other bombs aren't going to interrupt a guardians shield. But hey so long as people don't bother with these obvious counters, I'll continue laughing about bomb complaints when there's so many ways to beat them.
Go for the Radiant Sun Shards. It's waaaaaay fun. You're not going to KILL anyone, but you sure splatter HP bars everywhere. Especially when there a cap CF goin on, and everyone's scurrying around...then BLAMMO. It's actually a pretty good deterrent for solo recons. They gonna sneak up on you, then BLAMMO...there they are.
Also, I find the damage output of the DBB and the Nitro to be depressingly low. I watched a striker in the standard T3 uniform (vog/GF) take 4, count them..4 nitro shots before he fled. Two bombers, me and some other guy, were spamming them like crazy.
Stun may be pretty good too. Grav is just kinda silly. hehehe
Stun is good sorta, it should always be the last option if you can choose freeze or shock. Buuut with the amount of skolver and second place divine...yeah its ok. Absolutely 0 damage always makes me cry but it is funny if you manage to kill someone with the SS because they were moving so slow you could dance around them.
[i dont have AoA or VV so don't trust me]. But its always funny to die and watch people do the matrix... yes die. I die a lot :3 It also helps with some teammates who get into slashing battles with enemy skolver/vog, those 5 seconds that aren't long seem very long when you can only swing twice compared to the other persons 4 or 5.
@Leinhart Bring an RSS. You won't regret it, especially when someone whips out a gun and decides to start plinking at you.
I generally use (for T2, mind you):
Micronome (Super Blast Bomb) for attacking crowds or trolling people who can't figure out what those pretty red circles on the ground mean
Sun Shards for when someone brings out a gun, or for people who can figure out what those pretty red circles on the ground mean
Lightning Capacitor for trolololo.
I go recon for the CTR bonus, and generally only shield when I want to switch weapons (weapon slot hotkeys plz OOO) and when I'm almost dead and need to make a hasty retreat. For the most part I run around with a charged bomb and don't bother shielding.
Switching from the sun shards to the micronome is very important when you get to a thick crowd, because the shards will only impact the first player they hit, be they friend or foe. That means a lot of shards can end up breaking uselessly on teammates and never deal any damage if they get in between the bomb and the enemy. The micronome has no such trouble with getting screened.
I don't think it's really worth carrying both a DBB and a Nitro. The gameplay goes too quickly to pay attention to whether the person giving you a tonsillectomy with their barbarous thorn blade is wearing a skolver or a vog, and the difference in damage isn't very meaningful anyway.
You might also have trouble getting too much mileage out of the GV, given that its movement penalty when charging will make you a sitting duck. You might want to take an umbra or storm driver instead, especially if you don't opt for the RSS.
If I were cooking up a T3 4-slot loadout, I'd probably go Nitronome, RSS, Status bomb, and either another status bomb or an umbra/storm driver. Personally I'd pick VT and AoA, but AoA and Umbra, or AoA and SB are both viable if you really want to avoid inflicting shock.
Hmm, Nicoya how's the world down there in T2 eh? I was curious but I'd miss my ability to hit max on my bombs and the radius...the radius... :/
I think Stagger Storm should be great, but have never seen it used in PvP :(
Negima, you should try T1, the fact that the radius of my Cold Snap doesn't even cover fully a spot is a bit depressing, but as Velcro noticed yesterday, T1 bombers can still be very annoying [in a positive way] if played properly [especially since T1 guns are less of a pain that T3 ones].
Moreover, nobody has status resists in T1 :P (and apparently a guardian shield can protect from a cold snap damage but still allow the status... well that remains to be confirmed).
Moreover, nobody has status resists in T1 :P (and apparently a guardian shield can protect from a cold snap damage but still allow the status... well that remains to be confirmed)
Well, technically, I see stuff like Emberbreak and Circuitbreaker series being used in T1 all the time, but they're small, so they're probably not as noticeable. Not to mention they have other weaknesses too.(Which I kinda like, honestly. It goes to show that not all the 1* elemental armors are just that polarizing to each other. Like how Cobalt has slightly better defense, while something like Wolver series has Freeze Resistance and Sword DMG bonus. If that makes any sense, no good at explaining. =P)
Anyways, I tried out a bomb set for T2. It just didn't worked as well as I thought it would. :(
It felt like I wasn't doing much for my team, and that I often get smacked around just right before I set my bomb.(Not saying bombing is a bad strategy, I seen others have great success with it. Perhaps it's my play style.
Negima likes bombing because he can freeze-stuck players for half a minute :3
I run a haze bomb in T2. I think shock bombs better though. Anyway, haze is pretty good because there is a general lack of stun resist armor. Plus, people underestimate how much the haze slows down their attack speed. Also, the alchemical bombs have a decent damage radius, and you can get farily close to stunned players, so you can actually kill people with stun bombs.
But, after using stun I would rather use shock or freeze. I don't use freeze because I figure everyone's got freeze resist. I guess I should build a shock bomb. d=
... and in case you were wondering, I have killed people in PvP with my haze bomb mkII. In rare cases I've used them to kill 2 or 3 people at once.
Bombs are fun but, you cant carry your team 100% of the time if they are baddies D:
yeah, there's no team carrying. It's almost pure support, any day I get like 5000+ damage, I feel like I'm doing something wrong and probably ended up trying to slash people more than I should =T
@Negimasonic I have Max CTR with no UVs in T2. You just need a fused demo set, recon shield, and fully heated bombs. As for the blast radius, well, you certainly can't just stand on the middle of a CP and spam nitro in T2. You need to move around a lot and kite people into the blasts, but it's not too bad once you get the hang of it. One of the big things is carrying a Sun Shards or RSS (T2 and T3 respectively) so you can go on the offence against people with guns or people who aren't dumb enough to walk through the bomb blast area.
The Haze/SS is pretty effective in lockdown. I think it's still outclassed by the VT but it's definitely an option that I completely forgot about when writing my previous post.
I disagree that there's no team carrying when bombing, though. Once you're good at it, you can carry a team just as well as a pierce/striker.
I've been able to out-damage the rest of my team combined and I certainly never feel like I'm "only supporting"
It's a very different play style from swording and gunning, and takes a bit of practice and getting used to. You need to keep track of a lot of stuff happening on screen at once so you can dodge incoming strikers or gun plinkers, while putting yourself in the right position to drop your bomb in an effective location. When you get it right, though, it can be very, very rewarding.
I finally enjoyed being Stagger Stormed in LD (by our own NegimaSonic) and I admit that, as a guardian, it still slightly less annoying than VT (you want to shield in both cases, but if you slip stun felt slightly less "deadly" than "shock")...
Thanks ! XD
haha...Nicoya seems like your team was extremely ineffective in the first one there >.>;
@Tipiak told ya it works.
had my fun ruined a little while earlier...please do not shoot shivermist frozen enemies. It's already rare enough to pull off.
RSS is fun but it's entirely up to the opponent whether they get hit with it. If the target knows how to dodge the bomb, it's nothing but a distraction, if they don't, it can be devastating.
The best part is when someone runs across the bomb right when it goes off and gets hit by all 8 shards. Oneshots pretty much everything. :P
So roughly bombs are good vs. swords, swords are good vs. guns, and guns are good vs. bombs. Then you bring resists into the equation. With the right combination of gear, UV's and trinkets a swordsman can make status bombs ineffective. It is starting to happen more and more where a guy can just rush in and kill you in the haze. Anyone else encounter this?
Yes, I have this a lot :D That's why I pointed it out earlier about divine sets. Though it is pretty hard to pull off full resists to all of them without sacrificing your ability to do damage with your other trinkets, all you need is to counter the more dangerous ones and you're set. Though if I see this a lot I'm going to start camping more at opposing bases with stun >.> (its still easy to get out if you're smart, if not, well just stand there and look I don't mind)
@Negimasonic yeah, didn't get a really great team that time. It happens now and then, just gotta roll with it. Makes a good opportunity to experiment and practice different tactics though.
Only with Shivermist. If Voltaic Tempest is overpowered, Shivermist is most definitely underpowered.
Let me put it like this. I've played a lot of lockdown, and not only have I never been frozen by a Shivermist, I have never seen it happen to anybody else.
followed by lots of other ash tails and so on.
dude...seriously. Take off your skolver and come find me lol, I won't kill you i promise, we can just sit the entire match together since you won't be going anywhere unless your friends save you :3 Shock only appears OP cuz every swordsman that can is going to be in ash tail or skolver (if they're not doing vog). Meaning the other bombs gotta get used on you, namely shock since its easier to get.
You know what happens when I see teams of vog with no skolver/ash buds? yeah they get frozen :/
Skolver is immune to Shivermist, Vog is immune to AoA, and Mercurial is immune to Tempest. The mist will still break a Recon's stealth, but its not going to touch you.
And what Negi means by your friends save you... only if they kill him, since freeze can't be broken early in PvP for some reason. Because otherwise they're going to end up shiverlocked also if they're not in Skolver. :p
not sure if I'm happy about that tidbit :P
I understand that because I'm in Skolver that Shivermist never touches me, but I was serious when I said that I have never seen it effect anybody else. Regardless of armor.
either you have bombers worse than me (that's possible O.o?) or you have good teammates :D
Well, I have seen teammates (and opponents) get frozen quite often in the very beginnings of LD. Even yesterday one of my teammates got frozen in a game...
As Gwen, I 'm wondering why the freeze cannot be broken by teammates...
Personally I think it was an error on OOO's part. Before Lockdown there wasn't a way to freeze other players with your own bomb.
I'm sure they'll fix that when they realize they overlooked it. Because just ask anybody that I have charge attacked after freezing them with Hail Driver.
"Not being able to move sucks." is what they'll say.
I want to put together a bombing set specifically for lockdown. But I refuse to use that damn Voltaic Tempest. It's cheap, OP, annoying, and will probably be nerfed soon.
The 4 bombs I want to run are...
Graviton Vortex - For having fun
Dark Briar Barrage - For piercing damage
Ash of Agni - For inflicting a DOT
Nitronome - For normal damage
Now that I think about it, there aren't many hardcore bombers in Lockdown.