can you make silver key like 500 ce instead becasue right now their too overpowered
plz nerf keys

LOL King Tinkingzar is right.
Also they arent THAT expensive. I can rack in 1000CE a week with 1 run a day. Also Its aimed at END GAME PLAYERS. Not newbies, thus its priced accordingly.
If you're not 5*, then don't bother trying for them yet, simple as that.
Also SUGGESTIONS FORUMS. Seriously its like no one even cares about the work OOO does for us. I'll support probably a lowered price to 600CE or even 700CE even. But they shouldn't be made 1CE so everyone can get them because they're so uber omg haxxor must have equips that make you invincible.
Its a COSMETIC ACCESSORY. Thus if you REALLY want them then work for them.
Sorry beggars, but DEAL WITH IT! <-- (Needs a Link to a .gif)
P.S On the plus side i got 2 Lockboxes in a row in T2!!

uhhhhh.... the key prices are to match Mann co keys
steam trading!!!
I agree keys are way OP, keep getting one-shotted in lockdown vs them. NERF!!!

Luckily I don't really care because I STILL never got ONE Lockbox, not even on the Auction House!

The X's on the ends of your username invalidate all opinions you may have.

I can't take any post seriously that doesn't at least type out the entire words. Just at least try. Anyone on the same boat?

They should be lowered in price because of the amount of money most of the common accessories are sold. The really terrible ones go from 8k-14k. Anyone who buys CE and uses them on keys are being severely exploited, unless of course they are lucky enough to land a good accessory.
This is no longer a discussion of 'it's unobtainable for the F2P community' because that's always been BS. It's simply too high in price.
I'm not whining, because I'm F2P and I've already bought a decent amount of accessories (Almost all to resell, though, but still easy to get) so I'm not questioning obtainability. I'm simply stating that the keys are actually detrimental to P2P players...

The accessories are so low because people don't realize how much money they are losing by selling them that low. They have been getting undercut since they came out. People are looking to get some return on their "terrible" accessories and if it means selling it for a trivial amount then they will. The price is 100% dictated by the playerbase, so you can take that price complaint elsewhere.
Your first paragraph doesn't make sense.... the price of accessories (all of them, whether cheap or expensive) is reflected mostly in the price of keys. Lowering the price of a key will only lower the value of an accessory further, so it will hardly change the relationship between keys and common accessories. They're directly related.
The only way to increase the value of common accessories RELATIVE to that of keys is to increase the value of lockboxes. Lockboxes would have to be much, much rarer for common accessories to come remotely close to the price of a key. If they were, however, the cost of an accessory is merely hidden, not gone... since part of the cost becomes opportunity cost from not selling the lockbox on the AH...

Delvro, that is only half true. Lowering the price of keys will in fact lower the price of the most common accessories, but we could anticipate that the percentage drop in price for the commons will not exceed the percentage drop in price of the keys, meaning that players will end up losing LESS cr in the transfer compared to old key prices. They will still lose cr, but as a baseless example may only lose perhaps 60% of cr instead of 70%. This may be anticipated because the market precedent has set standard prices. If key prices dropped I feel that the drop would not be 100% relative, and that prices would stay relatively closer to 10-15k. Although, this all depends on how much the key price would be lowered. I would agree with you if keys were so abundant that there would be literally 20 pages of common. In that case commons would be relatively worthless. However, if lowered with foresight we would see the market price commons very close to the precedent of current market prices. This hope of static market structure as well as a lowered drop rate of lockboxes, as you stated, would in fact some some of the problem though.
I feel that this is a false hope however. There is practically 0% chance of OOO changing this system, especially that it has already been in place for quite some time.
@Dirt The reason for common prices being so low is for a number of reasons. Not only did OOO make common accessories obviously more common to get than others, but they are absolutely hideous to boot. Because of this, the demand for this ugly supply is extremely low. It is hardly the players fault.

Any and all accessory should be worth the current exchange rate on energy times 7.5 at the very least. Supply and demand should only fluctuate above that, but people, as I said, are desperate for a sale. Even if it means not even making half of what the item is worth.

It's true sadly, I unboxed a Toasty Plume with my hard earned CE and couldn't sell it for the life of me. I had to dumb it down to 15k to finally get rid of it which only returned 1/4th of my spent cash. At this rate Uncrating accessories isn't beneficial at all, you're better off saving up and buying one directly off another player. It'll take 10 forevers but at least it's not a risk, why waste my energy on unboxing a random accessory that's more like to be junk when I could just upgrade some weapons.
woooooooooooooooooow... they aren't weapons.