Or does it already have USB and Xbox controller support? If not, the game isn't that complicated. I totally think it could be done.
Playing with a controller

I used to play with my PS3 controller a while back but stopped since it's pretty difficult to aim well with a gun playing with controllers.
But I got the PS3 controller to work by connecting it via USB and syncing it with a program called DS3 Tool.

It also doesn't display the cursor, since it controls facing on a low level instead of trying to emulate the mouse.

Does anyone thinking playing with a controller would be more efficient?

From what I've seen, not even close. But there are people who are so unaccustomed to KB/M that they would use a controller regardless.

the game is not bad on a controller tbh, it gives the game more of a arcade feel. as one can chill on the couch while playing this on a laptop. only few functions requires the use of keyboard. i'm a controller player, and i wont go back to mouse/keybaord. granted, the gun control is a little iffy, but it generally suffices in the clockwork, you might need the keyboard for PvP however.

It is definitely playable with a controller
I was playing on controller (mostly because my mouse sucked and would get direction locked if I held a button for a long time - like when charging - ) but bought a better mouse and reverted to a KB/M setup when I decided to go gunslinger.
Maybe the 360 or PS3 controller could work for me with the dual stick setup, but I don't know really. I only have a decade-old MS SideWinder Gamepad with only one direction pad and 8 buttons. It works well for swords and bombs, but not for guns.

I play with a 360 controller. Love it for swords and bombs; hate it for guns and throwing things.

I played Ys games with a controller. It's single-player but more fast-paced than Spiral Knights.
Since Spiral Knights has strafing capability and actions that require aiming, I gotta have my keyboard and mouse.
Also, I use relative movements with keyboard and mouse to move and strafe in any degree of direction, unlike absolute movements (e.g. directional pad/keys) commonly used by players.

I play with a controller and prefer it with the exception of what has already been noted ( guns and throwing ) I don't ever do wireless on my games though, only wired. PS3 with the DS tool mentioned works fine and Logitech works well as do PS2's with a USB adapter. Xbox etc etc. They all seem to work. I get what I feel is the best response on my Logitech but it is uncomfortable the way it is shaped. ( my middle finger knuckles rub across the back of the bottom side of the thing ) I am going to see if I can modify it somehow :) Anyway I have tried playing with the keyboard and it just does not work well for me. Guess it is all what a person is accustomed to.

I play with a controller and mouse rather than keyboard and mouse.
I use the left analog stick on my controller to move, which allows much better movement than the 4 cardinal directions allowed by the keyboard. I shield with the left trigger button on the controller. I aim, change weapons, and attack with my mouse. This is the optimum way for me to play. I can strafe with ease and precision and I use swords and bombs fluidly. The feel is quite similar to using a Wiimote with a nunchuck.

Despite having tried using both controller and kb+mouse separately I never
thought about trying controller+mouse until I read Icee's post. Works quite
brilliantly and even though I'm still getting used to it it's the way I play now =)

Deruku: and not sure if the wired ones
I play with a wired 360 controller and it works perfectly for me.
The game already has controller support. 360 controllers (the wireless ones) and not sure if the wired ones, work right off the bat. While with others you need to assign the buttons on the controls section in options.
I use a wii classic controller pro (with an adapter) to play. The game's perfectly playable with it. As many have stated though, guns and throwing stuff is a bit limited if you're playing with fixed directions on the controller. The strafe button helps in this case, but not by much.