I finally saw one! I finally finally saw one!
OMG OMG.........OMG!!!

It couldn't possibly be that rare. I must have seen ten of them.

@Thimol - For me it has been. I've played for the equivalent of 8 days and haven't seen one. Til now.
@Yuyukosama - Whut?

It's been pretty rare for me, too. I've seen one in all the time I've been playing and it's been... many more than 8 in game days for me, lol... Don't feel bad, Leinhart

WOW! Those SUPER POISON VIALS are really something, aren't they!

I must say my luck with rare monsters is pretty strange. I may spend months without seeing them but suddenly find like 3 together on one day.
Love puppies are not rare anymore anyways, if you want to see one, just talk to Bechamel, the accesorizor XD

"My desktop is only made to play Spiral Knights."

Hey! That's awesome, I still remember when I saw my first love puppy and how excited I was :)
I love seeing players come across their first one

@Jim-Dale - I was at the library at the time. Better internet.
@Evangalise - I had to promptly wipe the deuce from my undies shortly after taking the screenshot.

how come everyone can find love puppies except me =(
all i've found so far are 2 impostocubes and 1 sloom.

@Silphius - Unfortunately it did not.

They're quite rare, at least for me. I've been playing for quite some time (more than the equivalent of 9 days) and just saw one yesterday. I was pretty lucky that day, I also got a Needle Shot in a treasure box.

I have been playing SK for almost a year now, on and off for a few months at a time since far before the official release, with a combined playtime (of all my Knights) that could easily go over 40-50 days (being as my first one, Chronus, had nearly 30 himself by the first CB server wipe). All of this, and I have never seen a real Love Puppy myself. I'm not sure what specific types of Gun Puppies there are which Love Puppies can replace (and I don't think the Devs have ever confirmed it), but I'm starting to think there's a lower chance of them appearing in Tier 3 (which is where most of the dungeon-time of those 40-50 days was spent). Whether it's a lack of Pups or a programmed lower chance, I'm not sure. Maybe I just have extremely bad luck when it comes to rare monster encounters... ._.
But aside: congratulations on your own encounter! Maybe next time you'll be lucky enough to find a rare trinket.
I still await the day of my first encounter with the wondrous contraption; its carefree, innocent face, its rebellious acts of selflessness, its endless fountain of prodigal love - and the opportunity to eradicate its very existence in exchange for the chance at receiving an expensive necklace.

Wow, you made me feel bad for even thinking on hurting that poor puppy!

my first 1 is in that spot also!!!!!!!!!!!!!
btw, they have a chance 2 replace any gun puppy or red rover

- Mysticbeam:
- btw, they have a chance 2 replace any gun puppy or red rover
Yes, that's all the Wiki has to say about where they spawn. However, has a Dev ever confirmed that these are the only locations they can spawn? Maybe the truth is that Love Puppies can actually spawn in the spots of Sick Puppies as well, but no Knight has ever confirmed this (if one has ever even experienced it to begin).
If anyone has any link to where a Dev has stated that Love Puppies can only spawn in the locations of Gun Puppies and Red Rovers, please let me know so that my luck can be (somewhat) reassured. Otherwise I will continue to feel disappointed in the fact that I have killed thousands upon thousands of Puppies over the past year, and have yet to see a Love Puppy spawn. xD I'm sure many others will also feel (at least somewhat) reassured if the former proves to be the case. :)
(Then again, I've been through FSC countless times with the 20+ Red Rovers which show up there every run... o_O Maybe I should start doing RJP more often? :P )

And I bet you murdered it..... (spoiler)

It would seem this very thread brought me good fortune. Either that or the rarity of Love Puppies had gone up prior to my return...
FINAALLLYYYY! And yes, I did crush it to smithereens. :D I even took screenshots of the murder because it was just so satisfying.

Love Puppies are indeed more common now. I saw another one today.
What if you saw a love puppie, then went solo, then invited a friend or a second character to join you, then went solo, then killed the love puppie, then went back to haven and joined again and kept repeating the same process, would the drop from the love puppie change each time? I have friends who farm arenas by looping. Do you think it would be possible to farm a love puppie, and if so, would the drops change each time you killed it again?

Love puppies won't drop anything if you go solo. They added that a long while back to keep people from trying to farm heart pendants that way.

Parties now get restricted when someone is kicked or goes solo, and prevents people from joining until the next level. This was added to prevent looping.
Saw my first/only in the last spot before JK. Unfortunately, a pro in my party killed it. WHAT KINDA PRO DOES THAT!?!?!

I've seen many love puppies, but I always have party members/friends that don't know that they heal you, so they rush in and kill them. Every time.

I've seen more than 5 in the 3 months I play, so I guess I'm kinda lucky. Most of them in RJP, but no drops.
@Blanky: Well, worse part is that some idiot will kill it before all the party is healed, not because they don't know what this is, but because they don't bother to check. When someone does this they get an immidiate kick if I'm the leader.
(to clarify: I kick when I ask if they knew that puppy healed and didn't check if all team was in full health before doing the kill and they confirm that)

My brother find someone but in solo run JK
(pics or it didn't happen)
funny thing, not only take the place from another Puppy, in that ice arena its suppose to be a Polar Polyp
Sadly isn't drop anything, seems by been in solo, but that sucks