1. that this content was directed to those that are equivalent to endgame players with nothing better to do other than fun runs and pvp. now they have a new goal namely the new armor.
2. this gives more purpose to lockboxes, which otherwise would little more than paperweights. It might not be perfect and it's a gamble, but nothing you NEED to do, just like the new content. i believe it's just animosity from not freely being able to access it like other levels.
3.that CE for silver keys can be acquired via the CE market, and don't necessarily require you to pay $2.50 for. even if its not as fast (or guaranteed to get you a shadow key) it is possible to go without paying.
4. that with nearly every new chunk of content, there are those the recoil in horror and threaten OOO by withholding their money until "they fix it" but over time things smooth over. just look at 5/17 and how people aren't as up-in-arms about it.
5. some content, even ones with special circumstances or requirements, is better than nothing.
*hides in my bomb shelter*
My main problem is the gamble aspect of it. You pay 750ce for a CHANCE (a small one at that) of getting a shadow key. If you don't get a key you pretty much wasted that 750ce as most accessories are dirt cheap.
OOO needs to come up with some other way of obtaining the keys, even charging 1kce from Boost would be alright with me...
That or making the normal keys way way way cheaper to compensate for the [crap] that you will inevitably pull from the boxes.