I think it was because King Krogmo spreaded a rumor about how King Tinkinzar is not really responsible for the creation of the Clockworks. And there being no 'drastic changes' to the Elevator System. King Tinkinzar, enraged by this 'fals' accusation, then set to work creating a new addition to the Elevators. No one knows how he did this, nor where he gained the vast reserves of crowns, materials and Iron Lockboxes (Nor how those Chromalisks entered the system); but all these thoughts were forgotten when the first knights first began to get these mysterious prizes during transit between the levels of the Clockworks.
Rationalisation for the Prize Wheel

what the heck is Krogmo anyways? A fiend? He doesn't look anything like a devillite and I think they would be headed by a President or CEO, not a king.

Whoever Krogmo is, it doesn't make much sense for him to be rewarding the Spiral Knights for beating up his brethren.
In fact, the entire Prize Wheel concept is incongruous. I mean, one minute you're tearing through a mysterious alien dungeon, harried by terrifying monsters, and the next minute you're participating in some spontaneous game show, hoping for prizes?

Reminds me of that one episode of Ergo Proxy.

and why are there zombies cheering in the crowd?! I thought they were suppose to be soul-less flesh eating abominations, yet they are there clearly enjoying themselves and living life to their fullest!
Now I feel bad for murdering so many of them :(

Energy is Spiral Knights. That's why there are rewards.