it is finally here but wtf is it with having a slight chance to get a shadow key to get it. it is like picking a needle out a flipping hay stack. it is going to be really annoying trying to get this awesome armor but if any out there would sell me 2 nightmare manes that are not insanely over priced leave a message here anyone that can help thank you.
snarbo armor
Keeping the rarity of the armor was kind of the whole point of the Shadow lair. Its like any other elite armor in MMO games, they are not meant to be easily obtained, and hence, has a lot of bragging rights behind it.
but if any out there would sell me 2 nightmare manes that are not insanely over priced leave a message here anyone that can help thank you.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm sure in order to craft the items you have to make it to the end of one of the shadow lairs at least once since you craft them in the sanctuary at the end.
I suppose buying one mat is fine if you don't want to run the same lair twice but buying two seems a bit pointless unless you plan on unbinding and selling the armour/helm set.
I am tempted to agree with you, except for it is just normal armor. Not particularly elite.
Also, the crusader armor (the most elite by this theory) is kinda garbage.
i hear ya bro