So today after the patch went through I logged in to see what the shadow key price was and to check out the new idle animations. I was just hanging around near the AH knight-watching for a bit when someone (I don't recall his name) starts begging for 100cr.
I thought to myself, how generous do I feel today? Did he use reasonable grammar? Should I ask him what he needs it for, and judge the worthiness of his cause? Should I enter some unreasonably large amount in the cr and ce field of the trade window and then go afk without confirming?
Before I could get through pondering that, a trade request popped up. I was immediately put off my generous mood by this; sending me a trade request while begging is the best way to get me to never give you anything... But then I noticed that the trade request wasn't from the beggar.
Now sometimes people around the AH will send me random trade requests and then ask to actually buy something off me, or being that I'm a youtube superstar it could be a swooning fan wanting to grace me with a gift offering in an act of pure devoted reverence... *cough* ¬_¬
I figure what the hell, I'm bored, I'll accept the request and see what they want.
They type in 100cr and confirm...
Of course, I do what any sane person would: I accept and politely thank him for his kind-hearted generosity.
So it just goes to show, sometimes begging does pay off. That is, your begging pays off for me. :D
uhh... wtf?