*sniff* why.....why?
*sniff* why.....why?
Sorry for the possibly nooby question, but what does the "Saints Row" mean? It's like on about every item now...
As for the sword...more variety? :P Maybe something for the Superslime Slasher fans? :P It is kinda cool looking...
I would just go with what the wiki says and stick with a Nightblade or Fireburst Brandish.
EDIT: Actually, just about any other brandish lines(That isn't cautery sword) would do. I feel the status effects(Or Nightblade's shadow damage.) Is much more useful than a boost against slimes.
The wiki's image for stars got messed up
Move to arsenal
Plus its a sword to trick noobs imho
thats all i have to say cus i dont really care about it, might as well remove it.
Some members from the Saints Row guild screwed up a template commonly used in most pages for their own guild's vanity page.
I loled so hard...
Way to go guys.
The Cautery Sword's a remnant - originally, the Brandishes dealt normal damage and stopped at three stars, but an update added elemental damage to the status lines and expanded them, along the Nightblade, to 5*. The Cautery Sword was ignored because it was clearly inferior, even back then.
Saints Row