So recently i have been scammed twice surrounding unbind fees. In truth, i realize this is just a cost of doing business given the current lack of options. The 1st time i was scammed out of 5300 ce--i paid upfront the full buy price of the item i was purchasing. I figured the guy was from a well-respected guild and was in 5* equipment...he wouldn't risk permaban for 1 item scam. Well, he did, and he was permabanned (i had screenshots of the whole thing). Of course, he probably just gave the ce to his new character and suffered not much real punishment. Oh well.
Today again, someone known in the community, with 5* gear, scammed me for 1k ce. Screenshots are taken. He will be banned as well. It was only 1k ce so i can certainly afford it, but it makes the game so much less fun and destroys the sense of community i love about the game.
ALL THIS could easily be avoided (FOREVER--NEVER to happen again) with the addition of a few simple options in the unbind station.
Who would like to see the ability for 2 people to open the unbind window jointly, both contribute to the CE cost of the unbind and agree which player would get the unbound item?? It seems this would be the perfect solution, and would be beneficial to EVERY legitimate buyer and seller of a given item.
Anyhow, i posted this in the general discussion section because i want to hear other peoples thoughts about better options for unbinding that contribute to safer trading. I.e. ...a discussion thereof.
Thanks guys.
not to offend sir but if you don't expect the eller to incur the whole cost of thier items, then you are doing it wrong. assume anyone asking for a unbind cost is a scammer and move on. I wouldn't wanna deal with poors who couldn't afford a measly unbind cost anyway =D