If two Shoeboxes fight, is it boxing or PvP?

Alright I am putting this here, using the magical powers of the internets.
This is my idea for the basic PvP Arena. It's pretty simple.
Instead of going in with set equipment, you can only use one weapon at a time. You can't switch weapons like normal, you have to pick up one of three power-ups.
Gun, Sword or Bomb.
If you have four swords or four guns, it will randomly pick one of the four weapons you have equipped.
If you don't have a weapon of the item you're trying to pick up, it won't pick it up.
Shields are also a power-up. You have to get use of them by picking up the shield power-up. Your shield doesn't regenerate in PvP, instead it deteriorates and breaks until you pick up another shield power-up.
You can pick up and throw other players, using them as projectiles. You can also throw fainted players and fling them around as well.
Throwing deals some damage, but it's mainly for getting enemies away from you or sending teammates into areas higher up.
Some arenas might have holes in them or have no walls around the outside, letting you fling them out of the ring.
This would really only work if action and attack were different buttons though.
Vials, hearts and other throwable items will appear around the map.
Lucky Boxes also appear around the map, you can pick them up and throw them or break them where they are. They contain a diverse selection of power-ups or power-downs, you can get temporary invincibility or you can get a super-stun and not be able to move.
Lucky Boxes only appear later on in battles to bring them to a close faster.
The mechanics of PvP are very much the same as in PvE.
If a team-mate is downed, you can sacrifice half of your health to revive them.
A player who is downed loses all power-ups and their weapon.
A fainted player can view other players playing, if it's in a team based mode they can only view other team-mates playing.
Maps consist of small, medium and large types.
Small maps are for 2~4 players, medium is for 4~8 and large is for 6~12.
Last player/team standing wins and starts the next round with whatever map they want.
The player/team who came last can choose what weapon they start with in the next round.
I haven't really bothered thinking up rewards, or maps.
But if they're that important I will post some here.

It goes by equip.
So, obviously going in with one weapon will mean you only get that one weapon to use, but it also leaves you at a disadvantage when it comes to power-ups and versatility.
You could get cursed by a vial and the one weapon you have equipped could end up killing you.
If you're using a gun on a very narrow map, there's very little chance you will last long against the sword users who will be able to hide behind blocks and hit you with heavy damage.
Once you're in the PvP arena, you can't change weapons until you leave either, so there's no switching weapons between rounds, only picking the ones you will be able to use if you happen to lose.
There's no guarantee that that one weapon you pick will be the best choice, so it's better to have a variety.
Shoebox, I love your thread titles.
I totally didn't read the thread.
The weapon rules are interesting, but I don't know how well they lend themselves to balance. I do like the weapons as power-ups idea, however, so I have a suggestion of my own.
Every weapon equipped by every participating player is becomes a power-up, found like any other power-up, in lucky boxes that spawn on the map. When the match begins, each player has only one of each Proto weapon equipped. For PvP balance, three weapon slots would be unlocked for each player. To use any weapon other than one of the starting Proto weapons, you have to collect it. The catch, however, is that everyone's weapons have been distributed across the map, and anyone can use any of them. Picking up a weapon replaces the weapon you are currently holding. Barring armor, this ensures everyone is on a level playing field when the match begins. To balance match progression, all of the Proto weapons can start at level 10, while any of the other weapons start at level 1. Alternatively, the starting level of a weapon is based on its rarity, with rarer weapons starting lower. Large amounts of heat can be found in lucky boxes and dropped from enemy players, and heat is applied instantly to all of your equipped weapons.
Being able to lift other players sounds like a bad idea, to be honest. I can see chain throwing (and ring-outs if they exist) being the easiest and most common way to kill other players. It would require some tricky balancing, but doesn't really add a whole lot to the game. Being picked up would easily be one of the most frustrating things.
Maybe instead of making lucky boxes throwable, some special pots could be made that can contain items. Maybe there could even be mystery pots. What's inside? A heart? Fire? Only one way to find out...

Well throwing deals practically no damage, the idea is simply to stop people getting chain-hit in corners by faster players or getting ganged.
As well as getting team-mates onto higher up areas and throw enemies out of the ring.
Not all stages have ring outs, but I think that a quick stage where everybody is trying to throw everybody else would be fun.
Break up the seriousness of PvP.
You can break out of being picked by pressing attack fast enough, to balance being carried right to the edge of a map and thrown off.
I think maybe instead of having the actual weapons as pick-ups, to prevent other players from simply just avoiding each other until they get the weapons they want.
And to stop players simply taking in one weapon.
That all weapon slots should be filled with a weapon.
It seems like a fair enough rule, that if you have four weapon slots you should have them filled with weapons.
I like your idea of upgrading weapons though.
I think they should start at level 02 instead of 01, so that people can charge attack straight away.
They should also drop in specific level heat instead of just random spheres.
Like +1 level, +2 levels, +5 levels and Max level drops.
I want Lucky Boxes to be throwable so people can choose to take a chance and throw them at someone to try and power them down.
Since you have the same chances of getting powered up as powered down.
I still don't really agree on the player-throwing. It doesn't exist in PvE, so I don't see any justification for adding it just for PvP. If you're getting hit in a corner, the shield should be sufficient for escaping if it can knock back players the way it does monsters. If you're getting flanked, picking up another player will do more harm than good anyway.
I'm not quite sure what you mean with weapons. With the idea I presented, the players are essentially choosing the power-ups that can appear, but everyone still starts with basic weapons. I suggested locking everyone to three slots for PvP because you would start with three weapons and because everyone should have the same amount for balance reasons. It would make a much bigger difference in PvP than it does in PvE.
In actuality, though, any of these special rules for weapons are better suited to a specific mode rather than to standard PvP matches.
I only suggested adding item-containing pots instead of throwable boxes because it would be much easier to implement and less confusing to players. The same rules apply everywhere: pots must be thrown, and boxes must be attacked. The effect is still similar: you'd have the option to keep a pot's contents for yourself by smashing it against a nearby wall or throw it at an enemy in case it contains something bad.

the shield should be sufficient for escaping
Except the shield is a temporary power-up because it promotes turtling, due to it's ability to negate all damage.
the players are essentially choosing the power-ups that can appear,
What's stopping a player walking in with just Proto weapons equipped and stealing everybody else's weapons out from under them?
If at any time you have to worry about somebody else's equipment in a PvP match to that extent, it's probably not going to work.
In actuality, though, any of these special rules for weapons are better suited to a specific mode rather than to standard PvP matches.
What's your basis for 'standard PvP matches'?
The most 'standard' form of PvP is ever the main form of PvP for an MMO.
Except terrible games, like Dragonica, where there is only one kind of PvP and it sucks.
I'd rather not have Standard PvP anyway, because of how much it sucks.
People who want to punch calculators will go play another game after a week, anyway.
I only suggested adding item-containing pots instead of throwable boxes because it would be much easier to implement
Yeah but killing somebody in an explosion of confetti is just infinitely cooler.
Besides they get paid to do a job, Cory.
Why would I want to accommodate my idea just for them?
Shields have limits, though. You can try to turtle with one, but it won't last forever. I use the shield constantly even when attacking in PvE. Slash, slash, block. Slash, slash, block. I don't think it should be taken away. Without a shield, you're only options are to mash the attack button or run away. If shields end up being too powerful in PvP, their resistance can be decreased.
Sorry, I didn't specify. The weapon power-ups aren't limited in supply. So if somebody brings a Cryotech Alchemer Mk II to the fight, that's an item that anyone can find. Even if only one person brought one, every player could end up with one. It's basically just checking everyone's equipped weapons to determine what weapons are enabled to spawn.
All I meant by "standard PvP" was the default mode of PvP in Spiral Knights. I don't know what you thought I meant. The standard mode (the default and probably ranked one) should have the most "normal" rules.
Implementation aside, changing the rules on how boxes behave can be confusing to new players. Why even have pots if boxes are also throwable now? Confetti can easily be added to pots containing good items. It's good to make as many rules universal as possible. If there needs to be an object that is both attackable and throwable, it should be a new object.

Shields have limits, though. You can try to turtle with one, but it won't last forever.
Yeah, but if the shield recharges, all people will do is just run around until it recharges.
Nobody will ever deal any damage.
PvP should encourage skillful play, not feature abusive play.
Sorry, I didn't specify. The weapon power-ups aren't limited in supply. So if somebody brings a Cryotech Alchemer Mk II to the fight, that's an item that anyone can find
If somebody doesn't bring in any contributive weapons, though, that decreases the available weapon pool and lets a player take advantage of the lack of usable weapons.
All I meant by "standard PvP" was the default mode of PvP in Spiral Knights. I don't know what you thought I meant. The standard mode (the default and probably ranked one) should have the most "normal" rules
So what you're saying is everything different is bad and you would like to play a standard mode where punching calculators is all you do?
Because that's a terrible idea.
'Standard' PvP would only work in large numbers, like GvG.
And even then there's no guarantee it wouldn't suck.
I don't see why the boxes couldn't change, something smaller is probably better. I was just calling them Lucky Boxes because it's easier to draw comparison from them, really.
Also, pots don't drop items, that's why they're there as throwables. They're really only meant to hit switches.
Fire and Oil pots could be map pieces, though. The boxes are just there to offer up bonuses. Not any specific advantage.
>Yeah, but if the shield recharges, all people will do is just run around until it recharges.
>Nobody will ever deal any damage.
>PvP should encourage skillful play, not feature abusive play.
So you're saying that players will run around until their shield recharges, but by making the shield even more limited, players will turtle less? I can tell you right now. If the shield was a power-up, I would avoid other players until I got myself a shield, and if another player had a shield, but I didn't, I definitely wouldn't go anywhere near that player.
If you don't time the shield properly and counter-attack when necessary (skillful play), your shield will break more quickly. If anything, using the shield as is promotes less turtling because you can move towards enemies and still have a way to protect yourself.
Blocking in Street Fighter isn't considered abusive play. Learning how to get past your opponent's guard is as important as getting past their attacks. In Street Fighter, if you couldn't block, most players wouldn't take many chances. You would focus on keeping your enemy as far away as possible.
>If somebody doesn't bring in any contributive weapons, though, that decreases the available weapon pool and lets a player take advantage of the lack of usable weapons.
I'm not sure how you take advantage of the lack of usable weapons. You can practice with the proto weapons all you want, but they deal the least damage. I was thinking more along the lines of you can choose a powerful weapon if you want, but it gives other players the same advantage. The spawn-rate of weapons wouldn't have to change based on how many different weapons are able to spawn.
>So what you're saying is everything different is bad and you would like to play a standard mode where punching calculators is all you do?
>Because that's a terrible idea.
>'Standard' PvP would only work in large numbers, like GvG.
>And even then there's no guarantee it wouldn't suck.
Woah, woah, woah. Where did I say being different was bad? You've obviously got some presumptions about PvP that I'm unaware of. Maybe this would be easier if you stopped putting words in my mouth. I'm all for casual modes. Those are the modes I would be playing the most. I'm not a hardcore PvP'er. However, a lot of players are. If you want PvP to have lasting appeal, there has to be a competitive, ranked mode for guilds to participate in. I don't know why you keep mentioning calculators, but let's try this: you tell me what you think "Standard PvP" means.

So you're saying that players will run around until their shield recharges, but by making the shield even more limited, players will turtle less? I can tell you right now. If the shield was a power-up, I would avoid other players until I got myself a shield, and if another player had a shield, but I didn't, I definitely wouldn't go anywhere near that player.
Your shield doesn't regenerate in PvP, instead it deteriorates and breaks until you pick up another shield power-up.
You've got two choices, try to turtle and die, or actually do something.
Blocking in Street Fighter isn't considered abusive play.
You also can't move when you block in Street Fighter. You can also go through people blocks with high/low attacks. Blocking isn't a surefire defense against attacks, just an opportunity to cash-in on your opponent's predictability.
In SK, your shield takes the place of your health until it breaks. And then it recharges, fairly quickly.
Think of it like having activate-able regenerating health more than a shield.
Regenerating health is frowned upon in FPS for the same reason I'm frowning upon it here. It lets good players become invincible. And there's no headshots here either, so there's no good reason for it to be there in PvP.
I'm not sure how you take advantage of the lack of usable weapons.
The less chance somebody has of finding a powerful weapon, the more time you have to chip their health down.
They won't know that there's the same chance of them getting another Proto weapon as there is their own weapons.
Still, the system is too luck based anyway, since matches rely entirely on people bringing in decent weapons.
That and if PvP required you to give everybody else your secret weapon, very, very few people would participate in it.
let's try this: you tell me what you think "Standard PvP" means.
WoW's Arena.
If I have to say anymore, then your opinion is now invalid.
>Your shield doesn't regenerate in PvP, instead it deteriorates and breaks until you pick up another shield power-up.
>You've got two choices, try to turtle and die, or actually do something.
I understand what you're suggesting, but I'm arguing that people will turtle more (by running away) if they don't have a shield they can rely on.
>You also can't move when you block in Street Fighter. You can also go through people blocks with high/low attacks. Blocking isn't a surefire defense against attacks, just an opportunity to cash-in on your opponent's predictability.
You move more slowly with your shield up, which makes you a lot easier to hit, and you can only take so many hits before it breaks. Even with a regenerating shield, if it breaks, other players can wail on you, and you won't be able to get it back until you escape, as an attack that breaks your shield also damages you. Just like in fighting games, blocking isn't a surefire defense.
Without a shield to rely on, what does a sword-user do about projectiles? A gun-user could hole up in a crevice, shooting anyone who approaches. No one can approach if they can't block the attacks. If he has some decent cover, shooting at him won't even work. With a shield, you can block a few shots while running up to him to get into sword range. Then he starts blocking, but already being in a corner, and having nowhere to run, his shield is going to break, and then he's really screwed. So in this case, the shield allows for and encourages more aggressive play. Standing in a hard-to-reach area and shooting continuously is turtling. Blocking shots as you approach a target is not turtling.
Giving players more defensive options encourages more aggressive play because it allows players to take more chances.
>Regenerating health is frowned upon in FPS
Is it? The most popular FPS games have regenerating health or shields. Halo, GoW, TF2 (if you have a medic), and well, they're still popular.
>The less chance somebody has of finding a powerful weapon, the more time you have to chip their health down.
You say that as though you're unable to do anything until you find a good weapon. You'll still have level 10 Proto weapons before you find anything else.
>They won't know that there's the same chance of them getting another Proto weapon as there is their own weapons.
Since you start each round with Proto weapons, Proto weapons wouldn't spawn. If they did, they wouldn't exactly be "power-ups", would they?
>Still, the system is too luck based anyway, since matches rely entirely on people bringing in decent weapons.
To me, it adds a strategic element. Do I bring in my Vog's Fang? It's pretty good, but someone else might find one, too. Maybe I can bring in this other weapon. It's not as powerful, and it's rarely used do to its strange attack pattern, but I've gotten good with it. If someone else finds one, they might not make great use of it.
>That and if PvP required you to give everybody else your secret weapon, very, very few people would participate in it.
Secret weapon? Give? You don't have to give anything up, and I don't think there will be (or at least I hope there won't be) any weapons that are so tremendously more powerful than all the rest. And if there were, giving a player exclusive access to that weapon (assuming that player is the only one who actually has it) would give that player a great advantage during the match.
The objective is to put everyone on a more level playing field, as this would be a more casual setting. (Maybe a mutator?) In a more competitive environment, you'll want to allow players to choose whatever they like for themselves. If they want to farm for days (assuming they would ever need to) to get the stuff that's ever-so-slightly better, that's their call, but there should also be a more casual "fun" mode for those of us who'd rather avoid the overachievers.
>WoW's Arena.
>If I have to say anymore, then your opinion is now invalid.
Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't realize WoW was the be-all-end-all definition of what "Standard PvP" was. Apparently if we have anything so much as called "Standard PvP", it means we're going to add in a talent tree and skill system so that everyone can min/max their specs. To me, "standard" means nothing more than the word "standard", as in "ordinary", "regular", "default". The default mode that people play regularly should be the most ordinary one.
How much number-crunching can one even do in Spiral Knights? Let's say I want to specialize in bombs. Okay, I take the Heavy Demo gear. That's... about it. It doesn't even give me a huge advantage against those who don't specialize, unlike WoW where a player who has done all the math is going to destroy a player who hasn't every single time, regardless of individual skill. That's actually an important part of that game, but it's not a part of this one.
And while I never played WoW's Arena, I won't deny that a lot of people are very fond of it, and it's one of the many things that keeps WoW so popular.

Halo, GoW, TF2.
There's no one hit kills in SK.
There's no crits in SK either. Thankfully.
Games that let you heal yourself with health pickups don't make you invincible, it just extends your longevity, as a reward for surviving long enough to reach the pickup.
I wouldn't count Medics either, since they don't make you invincible, just slightly harder to kill.
And none of those games are level playing fields.
To me, it adds a strategic element. Do I bring in my Fang of Vog? It's pretty good, but someone else might find one, too.
Maybe I can bring in this other weapon. It's not as powerful, and it's rarely used do to its strange attack pattern, but I've gotten good with it. If someone else finds one, they might not make great use of it.
If somebody doesn't bring in any contributive weapons, though, that decreases the available weapon pool and lets a player take advantage of the lack of usable weapons.
I'm please at how well that adapted.
Without a shield to rely on, what does a sword-user do about projectiles? A gun-user could hole up in a crevice, shooting anyone who approaches. No one can approach if they can't block the attacks. If he has some decent cover, shooting at him won't even work. With a shield, you can block a few shots while running up to him to get into sword range. Then he starts blocking, but already being in a corner, and having nowhere to run, his shield is going to break, and then he's really screwed. So in this case, the shield allows for and encourages more aggressive play. Standing in a hard-to-reach area and shooting continuously is turtling (camping, actually). Blocking shots as you approach a target is not turtling.
Pick them up and throw them.
If they're holed in, that also means there's only one way out.
So, once again I'm going to quote myself:
You've got two choices, try to turtle and die, or actually do something.
Also, if you really need a shield to block player gunfire, you're not going to stand a chance in PvE, let alone PvP.
Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't realize WoW was the be-all-end-all definition of what "Standard PvP" was
Well, you should be sorry.
Also, I said the Arena. Which is about as standard as PvP can get in any MMO.
Since you made me elaborate on the subject, your opinion on PvP is now invalid.
as this would be a more casual setting.
Who said anything about this being the casual setting?
Just because it sounds fun doesn't mean it has to be casual.
If they want to farm for days (assuming they would ever need to) to get the stuff that's ever-so-slightly better, that's their call, but there should also be a more casual "fun" mode for those of us who'd rather avoid the overachievers.
Take the point out of playing the game, so people who don't want to play the game can play the game?
While we're at it, let's just make energy free and give everybody the ability to spawn crafting items and heat so they don't have to do anything anymore!
Playing games is for nerds, anyway!
How much number-crunching can one even do in Spiral Knights?
Quite a lot. It might not take a calculator to do it, but you can't deny that if there was a hardcore, gear on gear setting, that people would punch whatever numbers there were until they had an advantage.
I don't want that, you don't want that. Nobody wants that.
Please stop posting, I have no patience left for you.
I think this sounds like a very fun idea. The one problem I see is your weapon selection, but maybe I'm just not reading it correctly. Based on how I understand it, the weapons are chosen based on what a player has equipped before entering PvP, which means that I'm going to unequip everything except my Cryotech Alchemer MK II and then be guaranteed it. If it's based off what you have, then that really sucks for those players who have been stocking up on Brandishes to supply newer players, as well as those who have tried experimenting with bombs and have a few, because it will drastically reduce the chances of them using a viable weapon in PvP. Am I understanding this correctly or did I miss something?