Any other strong points I should add? Let me know and I'll edit it to add your input.. Thanks! <-
Any other strong points I should add? Let me know and I'll edit it to add your input.. Thanks!
Great little blog man I have to admit it pretty much sums up my thoughts entirely well almost entirely of my experience playing Spiral Knights for the first time. This game is pretty amazing been playing close to a year now, and I have to admit these dev's do a great job of making Spiral Knights close to one of the best online video games I played in ages. The ce and crowns system is pretty fair in my view takes a lot longer for F2p players to get to the final stages of this game, but hey which video game allows you to have a social life and let you play there product at the same time? Enjoy and feel free to add me telling me who you are.
@Nj, sent request man and my IGN is, well, Metalcase. Thanks for the compliment and yeah, I just started playing it like yesterday or the day before that.
Nice article, Metalcase. Concise, thoughtful, and well written.
SK needs more positive exposure like this.
Thank you.
Thanks man. And I agree with SK getting more exposure. Not enough people are knowing about it's awesomeness.
Great article. Well balanced. Hope to see more in the future!
Nice Job!