Selling premade
Cutter (7.5k)
Cutter UV - Damage bonus vs Gremlin: High (8.5k)
Jelly Shield (7.5k)
Jelly Shield UV - Increased Piercing Defense: Low (7.6k)
Kamarin (25k)
Crafting - your mats/cr/CE, plus a fee. No extra charges for UVs.
Cutter (2k fee)
Striker (4k fee, you'll need to provide the Cutter)
Vile Striker (6k fee, you'll need to pay for the Striker crafting first)
Troika (2k fee)
Kamarin (4k fee, you'll need to provide the Troika)
Brute Jelly Shield (4k fee, you'll need to pay for the Jelly Shield crafting first)
Crafting - your mats/cr/CE, no fee, no extra charge for UVs.
Jelly Shield
Cobalt/Solid Cobalt/Mighty Cobalt Armour
Cobalt/Solid Cobalt/Mighty Cobalt Helm
IGN: Evilduck or PM/post here. I'll update this post when I sell the premades asap but please understand I might not get round to it before you read this.
Please also understand that lots of different prices are flying around. If you think I'm overpriced, move on. If you think I'm underpriced, by all means take advantage. But tell me afterward. :3