Favorite number is e
Natural Log of e = 1
The reason you have a computer right now, is because of e. e=2.7182818285. It is used to vaguely represent mathematically close to all natural processes. In essence, the number e is in our very nature.
Anybody hear of Fibonacci's sequence? Yeah... e's part of that too.
So welcome to math geekdom... you now know a bit about e. (Not ecstasy... it's an actual number :p)
Question of the day! (win ce) (Closed until further notice)
My favorite number is the first perfect number, 6. 6 is the first perfect number because 1, 2, and 3 are its proper positive divisors, and 1 + 2 + 3 = 6. Equivalently, the number 6 is equal to half the sum of all its positive divisors: ( 1 + 2 + 3 + 6 ) / 2 = 6
Previous Winners 1/28/12
New Question 1/29/12
I would be pistachio, if only because it's a little funny that pudding companies would assume that I taste green.
i would be blue like the sky and sea! Yay my birthday is on the 31st excited!!! :)
I would be the colour rainbow :D. What flavour is it? Well when i try it, i cant seem to remember what happened previously. Funny that.
"If you became any color, what flavor would you be?"
Hmm! The only thing I can think of is the blue that tastes like lychee... you know, that blueberry Jelly Belly jellybean... except it's always tasted like lychee to me XD Seems like me... except I'm probably not as spot-on as I could be. Don't know myself as well as my hubby does and it's a bit early in the morning for me haha!
Does anyone else think that about the blueberry Jelly Belly jellybeans? XD
I would be orange, and tastle like... well, oranges. But if I was a jellybean favor, I'd go for Jellyking.
if i could be any color, i would be jelly king purple. I would taste like jello. awwwww yeeaaaahhhhhh.
if i could be any color what flavor would i be?
ashtail color/flavor would always be smokey
if i could be any color, what flavor would i be?
i would be the color of a battery and taste like barbeque
Orange obviously. its the easiest to answer, and the only 1 that doesnt require excessively complex thinking to go through.
technically my fave color is purple, but im not really a fan of grapes or eggplant, so purple will just have to get over it
if i could be any color, what flavor would i be?
I'd be the color of my black cat, midnight because she is looking through my window reading this post and I KNOW she is thinking if you don't say be I'll kill you in your sleep. She also wants me to taste like capnip, go figure.
If any color, what flavor would you be?
I would be the color Caesar salad and I would taste like chartreuse.
If i could be any color, what flavor would i be?
I would be the color Red, and I'd taste like Green. Wait, what?
I actually had to think about this one, but I guess I would be the color of magic and I would probably taste like earwax.
If you could be any color, what flavor would you be?
I would be the color deep red and I would taste like moldy cheese mixed with popcorn.
"If you became any color, What flavor would you be?"
If it has to be a color, then I'd have to pick Cow. Because cows MAKE Delicious!
I would pick hovaloo. It would taste like pure KNOWLEDGE (and blue)
Please tell me someone gets the reference.
"If you became any color, what flavor would you be?"
I'd be the color pink (cause pink is a manly color. Oh yeah!) and taste like little butterfly faries dipped in marshmellow sauce and honey with extra cheese. XD
Previous winners 1/29/12
New Question 1/30/12
4 options for me (I've had this discussion with friends a thousand times):
Blarfengar B. (Secret Identity: Lee Smith) [anyone? anyone? does anyone get this for the sake of Haven someone please]
Boisterous Boy
What would be your super hero name?
Zenith-Seeker of silence.
Taken from my fanfic: 'One is all it takes', and because if I was that serious, I'd want quiet :D
What would be your super hero name?
Captain Falcon Jr.
"Falcon Jr. Pawnchhhhhhhhh"
Galvana. i would have enhanced neuro-electrical activity, allowing me to be extremely smart, AND i would be able to control electricity, acting as a polarizing magnet to manipulate the energy (this means i could throw metal at you as well).
My super hero name would be Nobody.
If any crime took place "nobody" would stop it. Who was that amazing man who stopped the crime and saved the day? Why it was "nobody". Does anybody know who "nobody" is? But at the end of the day nobody knows who nobody is except nobody himself. He would be the best super hero because of his name as nobody would be able to find out who he is :D.
It would be as if Nobody was there...
Sorry if i confused you xD. I used speech marks at the beginning to help you know who i was talking about but thought it would be better to get rid of them later on to surround mystery about this hero?
Who is this nobody?
What does nobody want?
And will somebody if anybody find out who somebody is?
Hope you enjoyed reading this as much as i enjoyed writing this :D
my superhero name would be Xerz- vanquisher of the unholy. i would use weapons/ powers based on the rightious and just as well as punishing those who commit the ultimate sins. but for the most part i would just go out and find someone to beat up for causing trouble, even if the fool is drunk
My super hero name would be Super Villain, therefore they would call out for Super Villain to stop other super villains :D
I mean, if I were an evil villain, and Steve came to get me, I would be to busy laughing to defend myself. Steve would beat the evil out of ALL VILLAINS!
Nobody would fear Steve...
confirmed prizes for raffle event as well as the time.
Remember, No question for 1/31/12 The raffle participants will be posted tonight at the question end, ANYONE may enter the trivia event which will take place at 4 PM tomorrow. See you there!
Question 01/30/12
What would be your super hero name?
It would be Nspkbl. Having the vowels removed from the word, I can get a good laugh every time I see a villain demoralized not knowing how to speak my name (except for the nasal N).
"It's the N-asdflksjapeifasdf!"
Previous Winners 1/30/12
No new question 1/31/12, See raffle details on main post
I was looking forward to the trivia, since it was fun last time, but I might miss it since I gotta go help my husband at his work =) There's always next month! Or I might be home in time, but probably not. Good luck to everyone else!
I'm at the garden... Haven 10.... anybody else here? Or was i wrong on the time?
Look at your post's time ^
It reads: 14:10. = 2:10 PM. You've got the wrong time.
Starting in about 30 minutes!
Haven 10 Garden for Trivia, and of course after the trivia game I'll use my roll machine to declare a winner of the Tail's Tails from the raffle.
5 minutes til, anyone showing up?
Not a single person showed... not even one... This makes me very sad and questions how much people care about this event. I spend a lot of time doing this event, thinking up questions, reading through every answer, And I give a lot of ce doing so. over 5000 ce has been given by question of the day over the period of time it's been running and I am very disappointed in the outcome of today's monthly event. There will still be a raffle winner, and I will continue questions as promised, But the failure of today's event makes me question if I should even have end of the month events. With that being said, I'll inform you later if we shall have any end of the month events within the next week. As for the month of February, we will continue the questions regularly. I hope you continue to enjoy question of the day. We have made it quite far, becoming the 2nd largest thread on the whole spiral knights forum and I hope to continue to do this event as long as folks stay interested.
New question will be posted tonight.
Sorry i was 30 minutes late! I had to eat dinner, and i was thinking "i hope the events not over yet..." Just as disappointed as you are :( But again thanks so much for your QotD! It's really enjoyable just to read people's responses too (man they get quite interesting at times... XD) so please do continue!!
School started just today, and literally ended just as you posted the 'I am disappoint' thing.
Sorry I couldn't attend, I would've, but...school -_-
But why did no-one else turn up? There should be plenty of people here that don't attend school.
I really enjoy the QotD, prizes or no. Even if it didn't have prizes, an objectiveless competition with winners (but no prizes), I'd still enjoy it.
New question posted! Lets make it another great month
Question 02/01/12
What time is it?
It's Peanut Butter-Jelly-Hammer-Adventure Time
Also, sorry that the end of the month thing didn't go so well for you :(
Awwww I'm so sorry that no one showed up! Like I said above, I really wanted to, but my hubby needed me at his work today ): He usually gets off around 3 (which would have been an hour late for PST), so my only hope was if we went home early, but we got out like two hours late ): I really wanted to come! I remember that not a lot of people showed up last time, either, but it was fun!! I haven't even been playing SK as much lately, since SWTOR has eaten my soul, but I still check the QOTD thread every day (even if I don't always answer) and was going to get on just for you ): I was really looking forward to it, too, since I was off from my job today ):
I agree with Psychodestroyer that I would still enjoy this even if there were no prizes. It's just fun =) I was also thinking that maybe a lot of people are in school again, right now :/
I'm sorry! I hope you don't let this deject you too much =) You started an awesome thing and I know that I certainly appreciate the generosity =)
A trivia contest would be fun even without the CE prizes. No prizes would be fine! Though I think prizes make it more trivia-y, haha. But it could even be 1 crown or a gel drop for that effect XD Like a symbolic token. "This is the gel drop that proves I won this trivia question... I will never let it go." I usually don't answer trivia (though I know I did last time)- they're fun to watch, though, just like on TV :D
Anyway I've babbled on too long and really do need to pay attention to the food I'm cooking so I will come back later xD And oops, I didn't even answer the question yet... haha.
edit: And sorry if this kind of bounced all over the place- I knew what I was addressing at every point but forgot that not everyone else will automatically understand my responses: the last section is directly in regards to the end of the month events, if that wasn't clear.
What time is it?
Time is of no consequence, as time is merely a concept, created to make a sense of organization among moments. The concept of 'Time' also varies between locations in the world, due to it's basis on the movement of the sun across the sky.
Technically speaking, the sun doesn't move across the sky; the earth moves around the sun. But the Earth also spins on it's own axis, so in relation to our point of view, it seems to move across the sky.
So relating to the concept of time, it's time to:
1) Answer the New QotD.
2) Congratulate the winner of the EotmR: Congrats Skold! Gotta go fast before someone tries to beg them off you!
@Kuger: Ah... I'm sorry I wasn't able to get there. I had completely forgotten and spent the whole afternoon taking down a Clockworks Boss I'd never fought before on solo. I'll have you know that I get much entertainment and appreciation out of your events, both Questions of the Day and Trivias, and I will try to remember to come if there ever is another trivia.
Cerulean! No, wait ... it's sage. No, cerulean. What? Those aren't numbers? How about V? A dodecahedron? Bangladesh? Artichokes? A 1936 Rolls Royce Phantom III with brown leather interior? Still no? I give up ... what was the question again?