pet snipe? Boswick!
"If you had a pet snipe, what would its name be?"
OH! IT DEPENDS BLAH haha my first thought was "Snip." But I might be lame and just call it "Snipe." If it it's a blue one, then "Bloop."
Also, thank you for the moose-question prize =)
If you had a pet snipe, What would its name be?
ah hah! This question sounds familiar!
This name just popped into my head as i am typing this
I know the name is lame for this game (rhyme intended, shame)
But ill trust my hunch on this name
Go Zerospark I choose u!
Zerospark uses do nothing and be cute!
It's supereffective!
Boswick fainted.
Sinistermackz won 6372 crowns!
Scood was the first snipe on the Abandoned planet.He was found in scattered remains of an city.Survivors made there an city.After looking into his nice face,blue eyes,they decided that city should be named Haven.Old legends contain sentences about small little creature who made knights believe,to stay steady for new generation.End of this creature was not nice,altought,It died for freedom,security of knights.
Because its honour,Its braveness,knights made a fountain in Haven.
If U would have pet snipe,what would be her name?
Her? WHy a her? Are you assuming that all snipes are female? Now, that's just sexist.
Anyways, if I had a pet snipe, I would name it...
If you had a pet snipe, What would its name be?
I would name her....bloopie. i would call her bloopie cuz its sounds cute. and when i call her, i would say bloop and then she would fly over to me and make blooping sounds instead of snipe sounds. the other snipes didn't like her becaue she is a rare genetic malfunction that makes "bloop" sounds instead of snipe sounds, so i took her in. She only makes bloop sounds, and only eats stuff that rhymes with bloop, like poop. and soup.
Question 12/04/11
If you had a pet snipe, What would its name be?
If I had a pet snipe, its name would be to be determined depending on its characteristics, personality, and other things that one factors in in giving something a name. As that doesn't really answer the question properly, for now, I think I'd name it "Hurri." It would actually be short for "Hurricane." We'd be the "Sickle of Wind" and the "Cane of Hurri." What's a "hurri?" I don't know. It still seems fitting.
If you had a pet snipe, what would its name be?
I'd name it Anna.
Since it used to be a her before the question changed. Anna being short for Anagram.
And an anagram for Snipe is.. Right.
If you had a pet snipe, what would you name it?
I'd name it Phillip II. Phillip I is my eraser.
If you had a pet snipe, What would its name be?
Alf. It'd sound nice and normal, but it would stands for Alien Life Form, a secret message for other knights. ;o
If you had a pet snipe, What would its name be?
I would honor it with the name Sir Skippy. :)
Previous Winners 12/04/11
New Question 12/05/11
"If you had a catapult, what would be the first thing you launch from it?"
A smaller catapult! Which is in turn set with a trigger that would release and launch an even smaller catapult when the first smaller catapult gets launched! Ahahahahaha! And it would go on and on except the smallest catapult would have a tiny rock =) Except the physics probably wouldn't work out and everything would end up launching into the ground.
My pet snipe? Haha, jk, no, I love things too much to launch them from catapults ):
Actually, if I had a catapult, it would probably be a small catapult in the first place, maybe two feet long, and I would probably just use it to start a war with my husband in our room by launching a bunch of stuffed animals at his stronghold :D
Kuger, because he won't choose me as a winner for the QotD. :'(
Yo dawg, I heard u like catapults, so i put a catapult with a small catapult on your catapult so u can fire a catapult from a catapult while u fire a catapult
Add Xzibitmeme.jpg here
I'd fire a can of pepperspray (scumbag policeman meme LOL)
Then, see how far it goes and how far and chaotic the people run.
Oh sweet lord, im so going to hell XD
Aside from that road to hell, i might fire myself onto some pile of cushions. Feeling the wind going thru my head during my temporary flight is something I always wanted to try.
"If you had a catapult, what would be the first thing you launch from it?"
I would launch Snarbloax.He would fall in Haven on Kuger who sells his Jempire things.Then It would hit AH and destroy it,one more useless thing.
And then the Jelly King would come in Haven,launched by catapult,small jellies would dance.Snipes would be killed (gosh,I hate em),Strangers would have alliance with Spiral Knights.There would be snipes changes with mewkats.
Then I would launch Myself into the old AH,and I would robb all cool things from there like,Ascended Calibur whom I want,Like DA,FOV,Levi,Polarizer,Graviton Bomb,Electron Bomb,vog cub coat,divine veil ;) Also,
Vanaduke will be transformed into love puppy,He would be an old love puppy who would heal everyone,and SK would give him chance to be good wise man.Firestorm Citadel would be my house.New tier 3 boss should be Snipes,because Everyone knows theyre evil,One guy was giving free CE,I looked into their beauty..So then tell they arent..
I would go to FSC and get cool gear,and give to Kuger,cuz what type of man could create this thread?
Kuger would be happy and give me CE to make my Ascended Calibur.
i like to keep my answers short :P
launch the skylark!!!
and we have lift offffff!
"CRASH!!"....the catapult broke....
"If you had a catapult, what would be the first thing you launch from it?"
i would launch chuck norris so he can decimate all of my enemies!!!!!
either him or a few snarbolax ( i would make sure they be rabids )
If you had a catapult what would you launch from it first?
A snipe with its wings tied behind its back to keep it from flying because I hate snipes!
Question 12/05/11
If you had a catapult, what would be the first thing you launch from it?
If I had a catapult, (one of) the first thing(s) that I would launch from it would be a large number of toy parachutes (like a plastic paratrooper).
(There are so many things to try that I'm not completely sure which I would try first. So I picked this one as I've been meaning to do this for a long time. I'd really want to see if I could get it so that the catapult would fling them really far and high into the air, and then all their little parachutes would open up at the peak of their flight. It would just be so Awesome!)
i would fire a skunk from it like so
great huh
Question 12/05/11
If you had a catapult, what would be the first thing you launch from it?
I actually had launched something already...
It flies around now...
No man has stopped it yet...
This is my sin to humanity...
on a separate note... how do the snipes fly anyway spinning???
physics defying whirlybirds...
Question 12/05/11
If you had a catapult, what would be the first thing you launch from it?
Well, seeing how the size of the catapult isn't specified, I'll just assume it is... big. Like, really big. Big as in you just won't believe how vastly hugely mindbogglingly big it is...
I'd launch Cradle. Back to the home planet. Now THAT would be a plot twist. Planet collision, possibly destruction or mutation of the inhabitants of the Clockworks. And there would be lots of action and stuff.
If you had a catapult, what would be the first thing you launch from it?
Launch a few of random gremlins to Haven and make them occupy Haven. I'm pretty sure there'll be war. 8D
A refridgerator.
Security Guard: Sir! We have an unidentified bogey coming in on radar at 6 o'clock!
Commander: Send 2 F-14s to see if what it is, and if it's friendly.
Pilot # 1: *Phzzt* Sir! We have the bogey in our sights! *Phzzt*
Commander: *Phzzt* What is it? *Phzzt*
Pilot #2: *Phzzt* Sir! It appears to be...*Phzzt*
Commander: *Phzzt* It appears to be what? *Phzzt*
Pilot #1: *Phzzt* A... a refridgerator, sir.*Phzzt*
Commander: O.o
Pilot #2: *Phzzt* Bring it down! Fire! *Gun fire and an explosion is heard* *Phzzt*
Pilot #1: *Phzzt* The Bogey is down. I repeat, the bogey is down. Returning to base.*Phzzt*
Commander: *Phzzt*... Okay, good job boys. Head on back. *Phzzt*
If you had a catapult, what would be the first thing you launch from it?
A PIE. It would be a giant, giant pie, about as big as Vana's whole body, and I'd launch it at JK from faaar away. It'll be a chocolate pie, and JK would go -squish-, and the pie could taste really good with a nice layer of jelly over it. Or, you know, the pie will go splat and flood the jelly kingdom with chocolate, but I think that would work out pretty well too.
Question 12/05/11
If you had a catapult, what would be the first thing you launch from it?
Whatever my true love gave to me! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Fe11OlMiz8&ob=av2e
12 Partridges in Pear Trees
22 Turtle Doves
27 French Hens
32 Calling Birds
40 Gold Rings
42 Geese of laying
42 Swans of Swimming
40 Maids of Milking
32 Ladies Dancing
27 Lords of Leaping
22 Pipers Piping
12 Drummers Drumming
Phew! That's one big catapult and one big present to air defense if the presents don't lose to gravity!
(That or Boswick! I heard he loves to fly!)
If you had a catapult, what would be the first thing you launch from it?
Well, i guess i would first launch all the snipes on Cradle. It would be pretty cool. Giant mobs of green, yellow, blue, and all sorts of colors, flying towards Haven Square. The knights would be, like, "What's that in the sky? The Skylark? Nah, they are still fixing it. It's not done yet (or is it?...) Vanaduke? I don't think so. Even he isn't that fat... Oh! I got it! It's snipes! 10's of 100's of 1000's of 1000000000's of 1000000000000's of 1000000000000000's of snipes!"
All the knights on Cradle are killed, because the snipes are going at 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 MPH, and then they are flying like missles, and all the knights die. After that, they shred through the ground and into the clockwors (funny how we never see any snipes in the clockworks when doing a run...). They then kill the knights doing runs and all the monsters too and they are still going really fast. They shred the Gloaming Wildwoods along with the Snarbolax; they make the JK explode; the Ironclaw Munitions Factory needs to be shut down for intense mechanical repairs; Vanaduke watches them zoom towards him, still going fast. He manages to say one thing: What the- Vanaduke's fat flies everwhere. The snipes, going faster than the speed of light now, zoom into the Core while chewing on peices of the Snarbolax's flesh, peices of jelly, scraps of metal, and Vanduke's fat. BOOM. The chemical reaction between the fat and the core is astonishing. A black hole appears inside of Cradle. The planet is sucked into it, while spontaneously imploding. But that's not it. The black hole widens, and soon sucks in the entire solar system. It keeps going, and suddenly a sonic boom; FWOOOOSH! All is nothing again, and God is mad because he has to create the world again which takes a lot of hard work. DX
If you had a catapult, what would the first thing you launch from it?
A toaster. =P
(<3 Kug)
Previous Winners 12/05/11
New question 12/06/11
(I've been stressing myself over scissors, lost 1.1million cr trying and failing. Because of this I have become very inactive due to my own dissapointment. I apologise if I take longer to update or possible even forget to update all together. If it comes to that, just send me a in-game mail and I'll see the 'new message' thing and come online to deal.)
Question 12/06/11
What do you think of Question Of The Day so far?
Its very fun. I mostly just read the silly answers to these questions and find myself having fun. The trivia night was very fun even though a certain someone has flaming fingers and pretty much shut the rest of us out lol Its very cool that this has continued for a month already and hopefully you'll be able to keep being active to continue the Quetion Of The Day. Congrats to your one month anniversary!
What do you think of Question Of The Day so far?
I think that it is really cool, and that it is a really nice thing that kuger is doing, and that he deserves more cake. omnomnomnomnom. It's really fun to make up answers and read the other completely random things other people post.
Happy 1-month Anniversary! YOU ROCK!!!
What do you think of the question of the day so far?
i think that the question of the day is a act of good will that helpes out those who need ce and just to have fun answering random questions that make people laugh. the question of the day is also a good way to make friends.
What do you think of Question Of The Day so far?
I think its the best fukken thing that ever happened to me on Spiral Knights and im pretty sure it is to others too
The QotD is pretty much a free CE for people stick around. Answering random questions with creativity isnt so hard. Although, some questions are just too hard to comprehend>> Moose's circumference ??????? Lolwut??? << we still got passed that.
The thing that got me here is the Win CE on the topic XD
All of this wouldnt be possible without our generous Kuger <3 and the ever staying forumers (im pretty sure kuger wouldnt be continuing this fun game if there were only 3 participants.)
Lastly, happy 1-month anniversary :) hope that we can someday say "happy 1 year anniversay" ;D
Of which questionability is highly questionable
EDIT: Happy 1st month anniversary, this is my first time trying BTW
"What do you think of Question Of The Day so far?"
It's fun =) It's nice to have another little cute daily item to do on my list! And it's funny thinking that I might win since I don't TRY to answer creatively (even though I know that's the point), I just like answering questions <3 I guess it's worked out once so far! Happy one month! =)
edit: Also, sorry about the scissors ): I'm sure you'll have another chance ):
What do you think of Question Of The Day so far?
i just found it. I LOVE IT!!!
Really, its fun, active and the people leave interesting answers. I wish I found it sooner.
What do you think of Question Of The Day so far?
Well,I am neutral,Kuger is good,but the questions are not.Im writing on forums with phone,wheeres letter 0,5 mm x 0,5.And,Im honestful,I see myself as winner in future.But dammnit you are good guy..Sudden change of heart ;)..You rock,my dog's name will be Kuger (Altought Im not going to buy an dog ;) )
Question 12/06/11
What do you think of Question Of The Day so far?
(1 month anniversary question)
No, really? Wow, a whole month. I'm surprised we've gotten this far. Well done Kuger. Happy anniversary Question Of The Day (even though an anniversary is technically an annual thing). I think that it's really neat how we can all add some flavor to each other's lives through this and I'm very grateful for you starting this Kuger. This is a surprisingly fun thing to do even if I don't win anything. Let me know if you need anymore suggestions.
What do you think of Question Of The Day so far?
Man, I cannot describe it in words. The Question of the day is the most awesome thing that i have enoucountered on the SK forums. You get to answer fun questions, and if the host likes your answers, you win CE! And the best part about it is that you are giving it away for free! I can always depend on it to get a couple good laughs, and everyone can compete to see who can make the funnies, wierdest, or awesomest answers. I love to see other people's creative answers. <3 U Kuger!
And srry about the scissors. Its too bad u did not get them. :(
Question 12/06/11
What do you think of Question Of The Day so far?
*Hwugeses Kuger*
Love it. Gimme more! =D
So far, I've gained about... 137 ce from doing this! yeah! keep it up, Kuger!
And happy 1-month anniversary! and srry about those scissor blades. but how dod you lose all that cr? If you get outbid, don't you get a refund?
What do you think of Question Of The Day so far?
Oh man, it's so fun! I love reading the responses people give, because there's always a couple that make me laugh like a loon. I like how the questions make me think, too, even though I suck at being funny or creative. It's really a blast, and the prizes are wonderful too.
Xair's really warm fingers + epic typing speed made the trivia so one sided, but that was a great event too.
Really wanna know how I lost that much cr? I'm a derp, that's how. I wasted it opening lockboxes in hope for one good thing to sell to get the scissors and instead wasted it all as I got nothing but horrible things. Never seen so many maid headbands in a row..
What do you think of the Question Of The Day so far?
Well I haven't replied to any of the previous questions, but by reading some of the responses on here I can tell I'm going to have fun :D
Keep up the fun!
Thanks! I just thought, "What can I do for this one?" then started... thinking. Conjuring... :P