Angel Craft is a newly created guild funded by the owner of the Angel-Craft network of Minecraft servers.
The goal with this guild is to hopefully bring some new players from Minecraft for when they are bored or the other way around perhaps when waiting for more energy! Another goal is to just find some decent people to play the game with and hopefully have a good time doing it.
Currently there are no requirements other than at least be somewhat of a reasonable person. I do not mind helping players with some runs or giving helpful suggestions.
-What Angel Craft Offers-
A place not be afraid of asking questions and getting help. If I personally have the time to do so I will do my best to help you.
A separate forum place to discuss other things and meet new people.
Minecraft servers to play on while waiting for energy to come back!
-How to join-
Either drop me a reply here or message me in game!