Anyone have an idea as to why we don't use it in the field? You'd think stronger shields, cloaking, and fast movement would all be useful in our Clockworks operations.
About the Lockdown equipment..
Possibly reserved for special units. Alpha Team etc.
The guys who snuck ahead and setup the beast bells probably used recon cloaks.
Just imagining the implications of most of these is amusing.
Initial guesses:
Recon: (Two possibilities)
1. Incredibly useless as computer AI still sees you even while invisible.
Typical situation: Invisi-DEATH.
2. Incredibly hilarious as computer AI are programmed to ignore you as soon as you go invisible. [At most I could see them finishing their attacks but that's about it]
Typical situation: Hit mob or group of mobs. Mobs all start walking to you / Start attack animations. INVISIBLE! All mobs suddenly go into offline mode and just randomly walk around. Rinse repeat for hilarity.
Good for those who could use it well. For most it would probably be a lag-fest of speeding into lava, spikes, or other hazards. Would be fun though.
Very VERY good. If you include the increased Hp it's even more so. This would allow maybe 2 or 3 knights with Cutter series swords to just go nuts while protected by 2 or 1 Guardians. The heal would push it wayyy beyond op. Every single encounter the entire party could start with full Hp if they just had some patience.
- - - - -
Conclusions: A team with even one Guardian would constantly start every fight with full Hp. A team with 4 Guardians would be recovering Hp at a ridiculous rate. Battles would be far too easy.
I'm talking more in-story though, rather than gameplay.
Debianlinux already said it, those things are from Krogmo.
Alternate way: those things aren't unlimited (you cant be invisible all time nor sprint forever), they need to recharge. This special energy they use can't be found on clockworks, only on specific lockdown levels.
I'd go with Khamsin's explanation....reserved for special units. There's not enough of the devices to go around to all the knights, the ones in the lockdown arena are reused for the they only have enough for the maximum amount of lockdown players per match.
Krogmo owns the patents?