I can't help but notice that the first page covers an entire 8 hours of replies, which is only about 5 replies per hour. The other boards seem to have even less! I know this isn't TF2 or anything but I figured there'd be a lot more activity for such a good game...
Are these forums dead?

Activity on these forums varies greatly over time. Whenever the game is updated to add or alter some feature, there is a great deal of commentary (mostly negative, of course).

Forums are far from dead, I believe a lot of the posters are in the North America time zones though. Past 8 hours range from 2am-10am Eastern, 11pm-7am Pacific... when many people are sleeping.

Forums IMO should be more advertised. Most people propably dont know about them. Same as wiki.
Game could use a system mail once in a month reminding about wiki and forum. I have meet several times newbies who were screaming out questions about game in heaven just becouse they didnt know about wiki. The "?" mark is not really telling what is there. After pointing them to wiki they finally started to get knowledge on their own.
Also the fact that to write on forums you need to create an account and a character here doesent help. Im kongregate player and i had to specially create a knight in here just to post on forums.

Everyone with a regular SK account or steam account can use their normal login to get on the forums. It's just kongregate players that have to make a new character.

Forum activity has certainly been a lot less active lateley, that's for sure, but I think that might be because of the holiday season is keeping everyone busy.
That's the only reason I can think of anyway.
Sure hope the forums aren't really dead, that'd be a bummer.
sometimes dont feel like posting, which doesnt mean, that we(referring to all posters) dont read

Skyrim might be contributing a bit these last few days.

My original post still holds true. It's only midnight, and there's a whole 8-9 hours worth of posts on the first page.

It's pretty telling that a topic called "What Did You Do Today on Sk?" is basically the most popular topic on the front page. Yes, a lot of users are American and usage spikes around the weekend, but these forums are still relatively lifeless.
It's good, but it's also a simple game.
Simple mechanics, you have a weapon and you make things go *splat*, *boom*, *snikt*, *pewpewpew*, etc with it. There are no spells or special skills/abilities to level, no quests to do, very little difficult hardships to discuss, no large overarching plot or backstory (keyword = large), almost no monsters with rare drops to find (there's one total) which made Diablo so addictive and no way to attain good gear with any other method than "dump crowns into it and hope to get lucky". There frankly isn't a lot to talk about that hasn't already been talked about.
It seems to attract players with a more casual vibe and the Mist system supports this: get in, play a bit then go play something else. The serious players who (incidentally also spend money for subscriptions) are more numerous in pay-to-play games. Ours have played everything, have a good guild to talk about it instead with like minded people, have all the fancy items and are perhaps disillusioned by the gamblish nature of attaining any kind of better gear.