Twinkle Aura: 3,300,000
Prismatic Halo: 5,241,337
SK HQ Accessory auctions (Prices Revealed) (updated)
is that a typo,
or did the twinkle (not twilight) really go for 3.3m?
i'll sell my twinkle aura 2 the runner up for 3m even :)
Prismatic wings, twinkle aura, and prismatic halo all went for far more this time than they have recently.
Prismatic Wolver Tail: 1,740,000
Prismatic Dapper Combo: 330,001
Ghostly Aura: 210,000
Unclean Aura: 360,000
Love Aura: 137,000
Flame Aura: 1,640,000
Divine Dapper Combo: 1,260,000
I really wanted that divine dapper, but no way in hell am I paying anything over 700k for it, Jeez.
Divine Wolver Tail: 1,500,000
Prismatic Glow-Eyes: 690,000
Volcanic Wings: 2,100,000
Hate looking at the damn wings. :/
Bowser wants the Halo so the price shot up a bid :(
Volcanic Wolver Tail: 2,660,000
Prismatic Wings: 4,801,001
Volcanic Halo: 2,470,000
Volcanic Dapper Combo: 500,000
Twilight Aura: 4,000,000
Prime Bombhead Mask: 522,000
Divine Wings: 2,300,000
Divine Halo: 2,401,337
Twinkle Aura: 750,000
Prismatic Halo: 1,861,337
Prismatic Wolver Tail: 1,850,000
Prismatic Dapper Combo: 480,000
Ghostly Aura: 290,000
Unclean Aura: 750,000
Love Aura: 195,000
Flame Aura: 2,000,000
Divine Dapper Combo: 540,000
Divine Wolver Tail: 1,200,000
Prismatic Glow-Eyes: 560,000
Volcanic Wings: 1,502,000
You'd think the prices all of these rare halo's, tail's and wing's would dramatically have gone down with them being featured so many times. (Can they even be considered rare anymore?)
Volcanic Wolver Tail: 2,750,000
Prismatic Wings: 4,360,000
I guess the still high demand offsets the lowering in rarity.
I really wish they could take the featured auctions-autolister off repeat.
EDIT: Someone really wants that Prime bombhead this time, huh? Currently at 520k...
Volcanic Halo: 1,340,000
Volcanic Dapper Combo: 480,000
Twilight Aura: 3,410,000
Divine Wings: 1,500,000
Divine Halo: 2,200,000
Twinkle Aura: 630,001
Prime Bombhead Mask: 560,000
Prismatic halo went for like 2.2 mil (vokster said)
I got outbid while I was asleep D':
Prismatic Halo: 2,180,000
Prismatic Wolver Tail: 1,260,000
Prismatic Dapper Combo: 545,000
Ghostly Aura: 218,999
Unclean Aura: 343,000
Love Aura: 101,000
Flame Aura: 1,660,000
Divine Dapper Combo: 630,000
Divine Wolver Tail: 1,395,077
Prismatic Glow-Eyes: (didn't log in in time, the final price fell off the My Bids tab)
Volcanic Wings: (same as above)
Volcanic Wolver Tail: 3,480,000
It would be nice to have those prices in chart or in a graph showing how the price for certain accesory changes over time :P
Flame auras and halos Y U STILL SO EXPENSIVE
Prismatic Wings: 4,400,000
Volcanic Halo: 1,320,000
Volcanic Dapper Combo: 940,000
Twilight Aura: 1,981,000
Divine Wings: 2,609,943
Divine Halo: 1,810,000
Twinkle Aura: 1,200,000
Prime Bombhead Mask: 600,000
Prismatic Halo: 3,500,000
Wow.. OOO has not come up with anything new for a while.. Bombheads were cool for a change of pace, but just need something new.
Prismatic Wolver Tail: 900,000
Prismatic Dapper Combo (didn't put a bid on this)
Ghostly Aura: 225,000
Unclean Aura: 540,000
Love Aura: 152,000
Flame Aura: 1,016,666
Divine Dapper Combo: 630,001
Divine Wolver Tail: 1,310,000
Prismatic Glow-Eyes: 360,000
Volcanic Wings: 880,000
Volcanic Wolver Tail: 760,000
Ask me how I know. Go ahead, ask me, :)
Prismatic Wings: 3,900,000
Volcanic Halo: 1,060,000
Volcanic Dapper Combo: 280,000
Twilight Aura: 1,640,000
Divine Wings: 1,800,000
Divine Halo: 1,720,000
Twinkle Aura: 720,000
Prismatic Halo: 2,650,000
Could be someone wanted to bid 300k, but accidentally added a 0. So he reported to OOO and a Game Master outbid him so he could get his Cr back.
Oh yeah and keep up the good work Smit ^.^
Prismatic Wolver Tail: 720,000
Prime Bombhead Mask: 588,888
Prismatic Dapper Combo: 500,000
Ghostly Aura: 207,000
Unclean Aura: 390,000
Love Aura: 126,000
Flame Aura: 1,510,000
Divine Dapper Combo: 750,000
Divine Wolver Tail: 1,680,000
Prismatic Glow-Eyes (not bidding on this)
Volcanic Wings (expired before i logged on)
Volcanic Wolver Tail: 1,220,000
Prismatic Wings: 2,300,000
Volcanic Halo: 1,400,000 (thanks Khalrin)
Volcanic Dapper Combo: 310,000
Twilight Aura: 3,000,000
Divine Wings: 1,440,000
Divine Halo: 1,580,000
Twinkle Aura: 600,000
Prismatic Halo: 2,750,000
We need scarves for a change. Not just volcanic and divine scarves, we need a wide variety of them in featured!
OOO sees our suggestions on AH. They hear our suggestions on AH. They simply do not care about our suggestions on AH.
Yes people are still going to buy this sorry retread of items they uncreatively regurgitate over and over and over. But the community has been dying and crying for them to get off this merry-go-round of monotony and give us something new. This stuff isn't even rare anymore. We'd all kill for:
bomb bands
parrying blades
side blades (seriously, is there even a prism side blade on the game?)
old school wings (of other styles)
wolver tails (of other styles)
Basically we'd all love to see, prism+divine+volcanic of EVERYTHING BUT tails, halos, wings, dapper combos.
and we'd like to see tails, wings, halos and dapper combos of ANYTHING BUT prism, divine and volcanic.
Its quite ironic, if you stop to think about it.
Btw, love the 'mein gott' thing.
Yes, there is one Prisma Side Blade in existence, courtesy of the one auction where OOO swept all the accessories, all 3 rare styles.
But I fully agree with you. As I have stated to fellow merchants, friends, and guildmates alike... "If OOO puts a Volcanic Parry Blade [and now a toupee that matches my new costume] it will be shutupandtakemymoney.jpg". But NOOOOOO, instead of playing into a clientele that would DUMP MILLIONS OF CR rather than THE AVERAGE 1-2 MILLION PER REPEAT ITEM, we just get... the... usual..
I'm not one to complain about the Featured Auctions, but I'm honestly getting tired of this. If OOO can't produce decent content, the least they can do is provide goals for endgame players to reach for- those being, DECENT ACCESSORIES. I'm tired of waiting for the Volcanic Parry Blade to make an appearance. I don't want to wait another month for a toupee to show up. At this rate, I could make enough money to buy either of my wishlist items, with nothing but FSC runs, by the time they showed up. Contrast this with the original Featured Auctions, in which my guild master literally said, "I'M PULLING OUT MY CREDIT CARD!" to win, and in which Aecarus' wife SAT AT THE COMPUTER, CREDIT CARD IN HAND, ready to win her husband his prismatic wings!
When the community's merchants start to have ideas on how to run the ingame economy better than the actual company running the game, things are certainly wrong.
Prismatic Wolver Tail: 2,000,000
Prismatic Dapper Combo: 270,000
Prime Bombhead Mask: 281,000
Ghostly Aura: 480,000
Unclean Aura (missed it)
Love Aura (missed it)
Flame Aura: 1,220,000
Divine Dapper Combo: 891,098
Divine Wolver Tail: 1,510,000
Prismatic Glow-Eyes: 543,210
Volcanic Wings: 1,300,000
Volcanic Wolver Tail: 1,900,000
Prismatic Wings: 3,600,000
Interestingly enough, i know two rich people who were going for the Prismatic Wings but since the reboot was more than 5 minutes neither of them was able to bid so the wings finished off at 3.6 million only.
Volcanic Halo: 1,330,000
Volcanic Dapper Combo: 490,000
Last unclean aura went for 360k , remember it because it was ending right before the server reboot.
Twilight Aura: 3,100,000
Divine Wings: 3,000,000
Divine Halo: 2,010,000
Know what I have yet to see? Prismatic Long Feather.
Twinkle Aura: 550,000
Prismatic Halo (not bidding on this)
Prismatic Wolver Tail: 2,208,404
Prismatic Dapper Combo: 600,000
Ghostly Aura: 540,000
Unclean Aura: 501,337
Love Aura: 172,000
Flame Aura: 1,420,000
Divine Dapper Combo:
Prime Bombhead Mask (not bidding on this)
Divine Wolver Tail: 1,800,000
Prismatic Glow-Eyes: 630,000
Volcanic Wings: 1,231,337
Volcanic Wolver Tail: 1,700,000
Prismatic Wings: 3,000,000
Volcanic Halo: 1,400,000
Volcanic Dapper Combo: 440,000
Twilight Aura: 2,420,000
Divine Wings: 2,470,000
Divine Halo: 1,730,000
Twinkle Aura: 660,000
Prismatic Halo: 2,240,000
Prismatic Wolver Tail: 1,820,000
I have stayed up all night for 2 nights in a row watching the Flame Aura auction and have determined the end times of the Unclean and Love Auras
Unclean---around 3:00am EST
Love---around 5:00am EST
I have also determined the end time of the Flame Aura auction, but I won't reveal that information because I really want to win that auction
And no, if you see a pattern, it won't end at 7:00am EST, upsetting for me also, because it ends while I have classes
Prismatic Dapper Combo: 320,000
Ghostly Aura: 320,000
Unclean Aura: 660,000
Flame aura went for only 900k and I couldn't be on to bid on it ;_;
But i am currently buying, send me an offer at my shop:
Love Aura: 198,000
Flame Aura: 900,000
It's been a while since they "featured" something that is not a prismatic, divine or volcanic. So much for featured.