every one knows about love puppys and mustache but has any one sean a thotodrone or a gold puppy so do they exist or is the wiki boges
rare monsters
>every one knows about love Love puppies
Those are accessories. Do you mean "rare jellies", "Jellies with mustaches" or for bonus points even a proper name like "Impostocube"?
These were in the game at earlier stages, like earlier versions of PVP. They were also mini-bosses in certain levels.
>Gold puppy
Also earlier content that's not currently in the game.
So as you can see, it's on the wiki because it was in the game at some point but is not available right now. It's not
Ugh, nevermind.
second-What enemies? If you mean tortodrone, they left after beat, and i've heard rumors about them coming back
Third-*Mustache* is imposticube
Forth-Bogus, not *boges
Fifth-Do you want a invincible gun puppy?!?
"Fifth-Do you want a invincible gun puppy?!?"
Yes, please! More heat for me~
There are only love puppys,Impostocubes, mewkats, possibly ironwood Sentinals(Void Lumbers that have the axe), Soul Jelly,Sloom/sloombargo and Gourldlings(Dark Harvest only). The rest are not existing at the time being. And work on thet grammar!
Added Sloom as of 19:10
So far the 'rare' ones that I know exist are
Love Puppy, Sloom, Soul Jelly, Rock Jelly (which is common in Scarlet Fortress), and Impostocube.
I just wish that T2 parties wouldn't kill them so quickly and that I could actually get some pictures.
he axidentaly entire thread