Trinket / Weapon slots can be sold for an approximate 50 ce profit.. but I've heard that you can make 100 ce out of 100 mist with crafting, but I don't know what items. I doubt you can actually make a HUNDRED ce out of that, but do you guys have any 2* item suggestions that can make better money out of 100 mist? I would really appreciate some working suggestions :3 Thanks in advance
How to make the most crowns out of Mist energy without fighting?
Tue, 11/22/2011 - 00:41

Tue, 11/22/2011 - 00:48

Usually I stick with crafting
Usually I stick with crafting and selling items like Shockburst brandish and electron charge. They're fairly popular but not everyone wants to get the recipes to craft just the 3* version, so they usually sell well. And the occasional UV is definitely helpful.
2* items, and making 100 CE out of it? Forget about it.
1* items are also nice as well. Since you can make lots with just 100 mist, usually one day nets you at least 1 UV. Sometimes the UV is great - and that's what hardcore T1 LD'ers love, especially if it's an ASI or CTR.
I think it's doable to sell 3 star items to earn 100 CE, but the only way you're gonna make 100 CE out of 100 mist is if you craft 2 2* items and one of them has a UV.