What's in Development - November 2011

All of these are great, only one that could be bad is the featured auction, as far as costumes go, great, you dont need the costumes. About weapons, as long as these are unique in their looks/gfx or perhaps a gimmick, great, the only possible problem would be if these weapons outclass all other weapons of their type (ie. pure shadow or elemental sword) but I hope they keep in mind they shouldn't be breaking pvp any more than it may be with trinkets and stuff.
A suggestion I'd have is that they release upgrades to the weapon lines that got stuck at lower stars (ie scarlet shield, vitasuit, RSS, etc), these upgrades are wanted. To obtain more money in general they could go and release 500 or whatever number recipes through the featured auctions, and have this the only way to obtain these upgraded weapons. They would earn from the initial bidding war, and later from unbind prices as many of the buyers will start selling the upgraded weapons. Then months later release a batch again, and so on so that everyone is allowed to craft these weapons either by paying or waiting their turn.

It looks nice. I love the idea of color changing, and I love the idea of story rooms. Then I read the last part:
New monsters are on the way that we call 'drone class' as they do not have normal monster AI. Instead, these retro-inspired monsters move in set or random patterns much like you would encounter in retro games. Drone monsters add a lot of variety to levels and offer a chance to break up the standard flow of play.
More devilite type monsters incoming. ):

Just thinking about it... "Drone class", retro-inspired, different AI with a wandering movement pattern... My torto-sense is tingling!

"A suggestion I'd have is that they release upgrades to the weapon lines that got stuck at lower stars (ie scarlet shield, vitasuit, RSS, etc), these upgrades are wanted. To obtain more money in general they could go and release 500 or whatever number recipes through the featured auctions, and have this the only way to obtain these upgraded weapons."
Any recipes released need to be offered to the entire database. The price these crafted/heat items would sell for would be an unfair cost of ownership and would further divide/alienate the playerbase Gianni. It would also present an unlimted crown making opportunity to the fortunate buyers (inflationary).
As for Featured Auctions, the items sold must be cosmetic only. If they want to release Bechamel's very own 'Scissor Blades' for example, they should only have the exact same stats of another weapon already in game. Anything else would be unbalanced and again, further disrupt PvP or regular gameplay.
Just my two cents,

I like the personal color change, can finally wear some costumes that would clash heavily with pink.
Scenario rooms and drones will be a welcome addition to the game. Awesome!
Request... I'd love to see more content along the lines of the Candlestick Keep, a new T3 boss, or even new new set of blocks for the Clockworks.

I hope I can get a giant wrench like Punch has....... *Crosses fingers*

Bulletfodder that was basically what happened with shadow lairs so maybe you are right, not sure if prices dropped because demand was satisfied or because people decided to venture on their own instead of buying from the early adopters.
Also nick think of material sinks, using them for dyes (or something else that requires them to mix to produce something) should be cool and provide a sink for them besides crafting, and im talking mostly of the ones that arent used much (wolver coat materials are wanted enough)

yayz! more weapons in the AH (I probably won't be able to get them though..) and scenario rooms!
It would be nice if those scenario rooms prove my theory that the SK came from Cradle and such... it would be so fun to rub it in the faces of everyone who disagreed with me.

My first thought upon reading about drone-class enemies? We require more minerals.
Also, glad to see that color changing is being implemented. That said, I'm not sure if I'll be changing mine. My color is green, and with Vog Cub it makes me look like an overly-decorated Christmas tree. The look is kinda growing on me :P

This sounds really cool. ^_^ I can't wait. I CAN'T WAIT TO CHANGE MY COLOR FINALLY LOL. Why did I choose red? >:c Curse myself!
Cool, new mob, and can't wait to see what Scenario Rooms are. Kthx.

At time of character creation, there is nothing to tell a new Knight that the color choice they make is permanent or that it carries over into the various armors.
Admittedly. most newbies aren't going to have any idea what impact (if any) this might have on future choices.
That being said though, I'm sure a number of players likely regret their initial choices given what they choose to wear today.
So - proposal.
Give all existing accounts a free "color change" (dye / potion / chroma) or whatever you are going to call it.
(call this a "festive" gift considering we're approaching the "festivus" season).
OR - add it as a possible item in lock boxes or as an item on the prize wheel.
I won't quote the earlier poster but can you consider either adding some more recipes to flush out some of the abandoned lines.
Example - the Winmillion is pretty cool, but we really need the "Gazillion".
Again - this could be added in so many ways.
a) just as a recipe buyable from Basil
b) lock box prize
c) something you can buy with Krogmo coins
Something to ponder in any event.

I agree with you. They need to add a Gazillion. No one is gonna use a Winmillion except for some people. But its 4*, so it is pretty useless.

More story lines and European servers, this is exactly what me and my guild want!
Here is an idea for OOO to think about: quests that lead to story cut-scenes. Then when you get cut-scenes working, it's time to give us a built-in anti aliasing function so that the scenes would look superb!
It's all doable and would make SK stands out.

Aww yeah! I'm really looking forward to scenario rooms, finally some more story will be added to this game.

Drones sound neat. Though I wonder if they'll be their own family with their own resistances and weaknesses or if they'll be spread across the existing families.
Scenario rooms sound very interesting. :D
EU server sounds good for everyone as it'll also reduce the load on the US server. :D
And the personal color changer is neat and long overdue... though I probably won't use it unless there's also a new rainbow personal color. XD

i wanna know what items will be on there.....i can't wait to see it....do it before thursday....omg...omg.

instead of blowing this up with 15 posts in a row, i'll place my thoughts here in one, easily digested list.
1. No Super UV'd weapons. Chris is right, to sell a GM created VH CTR + VH ASI sealed sword, would be a huge turnoff, and ruin the collectable nature that this game is (even if unintentionally) founded on.
2. Its nearly a must that you add a "preview" function to the Auction house. At least on Featured Items section.
3. I am glad that new stuff is rare, but not one-of-a-kind.
4. IMO, it'd be best if new weapons were "reskins" of other weapons. Like a weapon costume if u will. This would also allow us to buy the scissors sword and then "Add" it to whatever weapon it is based on (DA, Final Flourish, whatever). That way, we could buy special shields or armors and then put them on our prized possessions that have our favorite UVs on them. Working so very similar to any costume.
5. Please do a "seeding" event for the lower class too. something like "this week a divine halo, divine bomb bandolier, and divine mohawk shall be found in lockboxes!!" something like that would allow the lower class a chance at something amazing too.
will edit if i think of more things i find important.

EU Server, finally!!
Let's see if I can finally go above a 2 bar connection x_x

Gotta agree with Ronmil on this one. A preview function would be SO useful to add in the auction house. I'm tired of buying an armor, sword etc. just to find out it looks out of place on my character. The seeding Ronmil mentioned would be great as well. The lower class should have the chance to get something awesome just like the upper class. Not everyone has 50k+ crowns just lying around. :/

My eyes...they are overflowing with tears of joy... Three Rings, you really are the best.
Ah! Before I forget! Regarding colour change, will you be able to preview colours before purchase/use as with previewing vendor goods? Probably a silly question, but I don't want to get [cheated] when I try it out.

European severs! Finally more than 2 connection bars at best?

Will equipment from the preview that didn't make it into the public release be available through featured auctions?

Limited... I hope stuff I want will stay unpopular and quite easy to afford <:/

"Players would experience no change. There would be no server selection, etc. However we would group players in random parties, pvp groups etc. with other players of a similar region as we do currently. This is currently dictated by your language setting."
Soo if the new European servers are up and running. Does this mean that if you put your language settings to English your still in the American server?Because if that were the case then I wish OOO would split English into English-American and English-European. This way players can play the European servers in English.
Im just putting it out there....

Obviously, the language selection will be American and English. Pfff....

Thanks for posting Nick, keeping the community appraised of current development is a good thing, more of this please =]
As for the upcoming stuff, all looks great to me...

Oh, GREAT. European servers? Seriously? Does this mean there will be an IP block for all european users, so that we can't acess the US servers no more |: ?
I just hate that.

I'm a sucker for story telling. Now I do not expect something of an epic story from SK my recent excursions into SL has sparked my interest in what lies in the core. Now I'm not going to ask Nick to tell us the information given in the scenerio rooms but I would like to know how they will work. Are there going to be NPCs we have to talk to that is generated randomly in certain stages (like punkin?) or is the entire depth a scenerio. Alternative is will be some sort of cutscene and how many scenerio rooms do you have in mind? As much as I like story, going into the same scenerio/cutscene over and over again will get a little boring.

Why on Earth would you assume that?
Nick already stated that it will be based on a setting.

Sweet. Featured Auctions could be just what we need to bring CE prices back down.
Looking forward to the new Scenario rooms & monsters as well. Will the drones look like regular monsters? or will there be some visual cue?
Thanks OOO.

@Glowing-Ember, stop expecting me to read all the comments. |:
There's nothing in the ACTUAL post saying so.

signing off on the auction house preview suggestion. i want to be able to see what an accessory looks like before i make a bid on it, without having to rely on the wiki or some other external source! :)

Not sure if Nick would appreciate pictures been posted though despite their announcement.

"The Auction House will have a new category of 'Featured Auctions' that are created by the Haven Treasury. Featured Auctions offer rare, limited or unique items to players. For players interested in Featured Auctions, it will provide them with amazing items like new costumes or unique weapons such as Bechamel's very own 'Scissor Blades.' These special items will be offered in limited supply and cost a good deal of crowns."
Costume armors (note: COSTUME!!!) and Accessories I have no qualms about. Any "unique" weapons should be reskinned (and no UVs, you're gonna have to roll) versions of other weapons... Bechamel's Scissor Blades for example could be a reskinned Leviathan Blade. Anybody can get lucky and craft/roll a god-level weapon (such as Njthug's VH ASI, Low CTR, something Construct he is currently selling), the odds are against them, but it is possible. Tossing one of a kind or extremely limited quantities of unique weapons in the AH, that a comparable one can not be obtained elsewhere, is ASKING for your P2P players to feel shafted.
We need crown sinks, any intelligent player can tell you that, but we need dependable crown sinks. Not ones that are there for 2 days and then gone again. Lowering the price of Punch back to 15k would be good as then people would use him more, 10k and everybody would use him.
Everything else mentioned I like a lot. The Drone monsters sound interesting.

There is a disturbingly low amount of people concerned about the possibilities of "unique" weapons having new stats.

Greetings Nick,
There is a rumor that the Antigua weapon lines will have a change soon, Is any of this confirmed?

I'd be okay with god-tier equipment being released in the AH as long as it isn't allowed in PvP, or maybe create a Tier 4 for PvPers with this god-tier equipment.
I mean if you were running with someone in the Clockworks and they pulled out the Magical Crowbar (for instance) and started beating the crap out of everything, you probably won't mind nearly as much as if you were in PvP and got Crowbar'd.

/Looks at Topic
/looks at nick
/looks at post
So very happy... :D

i have question
i'm from europe.
on which server we play, when i wil play with my american friends, on european one or american?
;_; Why you gotta get me down like this, bro?
I doubt I can afford the giant scissors from what we've seen of the rare items auction so far, but fingers crossed the knight colour change won't be ludicrous amounts of money. I'm thinking 10k or so. ;o