What's in Development - November 2011

134 Réponses [Dernière contribution]
Portrait de Nick

Greetings! I've got another update from Spiral HQ with some of what we're working on right now. As always the following is by no means everything that's in development and there's no ETA on any of this just yet.

European Servers
We are currently exploring establishing a server base somewhere in Europe as we believe it could greatly improve the experience for many of our players.

Featured Auctions
The Auction House will have a new category of 'Featured Auctions' that are created by the Haven Treasury. Featured Auctions offer rare, limited or unique items to players. For players interested in Featured Auctions, it will provide them with amazing items like new costumes or unique weapons such as Bechamel's very own 'Scissor Blades.' These special items will be offered in limited supply and cost a good deal of crowns.

Personal Color Changers
A personal color changing item will be available that will allow you to permanently change your personal color to any of the colors available at character creation. This item will cost crowns and you may purchase as many as you like. Each color changer is consumed when used.

Scenario Rooms
Our level designers are hard at work constructing special rooms that you will discover throughout the Clockworks. These rooms offer a little story, hints of a larger story, or a special bonus to those that discover them. Hope to see you round the campfire and share a story or two.

Drone Class Monsters
New monsters are on the way that we call 'drone class' as they do not have normal monster AI. Instead, these retro-inspired monsters move in set or random patterns much like you would encounter in retro games. Drone monsters add a lot of variety to levels and offer a chance to break up the standard flow of play.

That's all I can share at the moment. More to come later!

Portrait de Xombie


Scenario Rooms sound cool.!
Thanks for the post.

Portrait de Rangerwillx

Awesome Nick!
Can't wait till you give us more!
And don't ask me how I did this so fast.

Portrait de King-Tinkinzar



looking forward to drones

Can't wait for their stats to come out.

I'd love to shoot em up with my Shadowtech Alchemer Mk 2 or slash away with my Avenger.

Portrait de Smur
i would love to see buy-able

i would love to see buy-able or changeable proto armor as well as personal color changes :D.


Lol that would be awesome! it definitely would make areas that are impossible due to lag normally a lot easier

Portrait de King-Tinkinzar
OH WAIT! I remember in beta

OH WAIT! I remember in beta (before the forum wipe) I suggested rooms with stories hidden in them... unless that was a dream because I dream t of that once xD

Portrait de Nicoya-Kitty
Allow me to be the first to

Allow me to be the first to say: F* YEAH CROWN SINKS!

I'll be interested to see how you manage with corralling parties onto the right server, so that North Americans don't end up on the Euro server and v.v., and god only knows what you'll do with PvP and parties with players from both sides of the pond.

I'm really looking forward to basically everything you've listed here. I hope they all turn out great!

Portrait de Guardianknight
Thanks for the info

I look forward to what's to come.

The one and only, Guardianknight

Portrait de Geekfox

Geekfox pokes a drone. Poke.

Portrait de Psychodestroyer

Good deal of cr? It's gonna be a long wait for me :/

Ah well, on the bright side, more stuff to do! Can't wait.

Thanks for the update nick! We like these threads!

Portrait de Chris
Featured Auctions If you guys

Featured Auctions

If you guys want to make more money why don't you improve servers and release NEW content including new gear and harder bosses.
Rehashed crap like shadow lairs that has no reward for farming and costs a stupid amount to enter is going to get you nowhere. Same with these stupid featured auctions.

If you release top tier weapons on these auctions you are going to lose so many players.

Portrait de Iron-Volvametal
"These special items will be offered in limited supply..."

As in '1 Time & Gone For Good' or a 'Once Every Few Weeks' type of deal? Also, will the new items include Accessories?

Portrait de Vlad
Personal Color Changers A

Personal Color Changers
A personal color changing item will be available that will allow you to permanently change your personal color to any of the colors available at character creation. This item will cost crowns and can be purchased and used as often as you like.

This is terrible!

Portrait de Kwizzy
I hope the Featured Auctions

I hope the Featured Auctions area will have something for those of us who don't want to spend $250 on crowns to bid on them. Drones & the scenario areas sound like fun.

Re: European servers, will people playing on them still interact with those of us on the wherever-SK-is-now server?

Portrait de Iron-Volvametal
@Vlad What do you find terrible in it?

I don't see anything wrong with it.(As long as it doesn't cost a Truck-Load of Crowns.)

Portrait de Kickthebucket
sweet :D thx nick for the

sweet :D

thx nick for the update on what's in the works. looking forward to it

Portrait de Psychodestroyer


This stuff won't be easy. New content will mean stuff like fighting the Swarm boss or fighting on the SURFACE of the planet or something.

That kind of thing needs ideas, tweaks, tests, programming, time, developing it further, rinse and repeat.

These guys aren't robots. Have you ever tried to write a story?

Here's an idea. Write a story. Pour all your ideas into that story. Finish it. Done? Now write a sequel without referencing the old stuff. Main character goes to another dimension or something. Leaves the planet or whatever.

Try it. It's harder than people like to think.

Instead of complaining: 'OOO stop re-feeding us old offal', how about contribute new ideas in the suggestions about what they can do? The threads are already there, just post whatever ideas you want implemented in them.

Portrait de Kraken

I am very excited about this!
Especially the story bits! I am always curious to learn more about this quirky world you guys have created.

Portrait de Nick
Regarding Featured Auctions -

Regarding Featured Auctions - Items are available in limited quantities but will come and go. Some will be offered more often than others. We will see what kind of response we get from each item.

Regarding Euro Servers - Players would experience no change. There would be no server selection, etc. However we would group players in random parties, pvp groups etc. with other players of a similar region as we do currently. This is currently dictated by your language setting.

Portrait de Thimol

Yes~ I approve.

Portrait de Iron-Volvametal
@Nick Ah, I see. Thanks.

Can't wait to see what you guys have in Store for us.

Portrait de God-King
Please tell me the weapons

Please tell me the weapons offered in the Featured Auctions won't have unique stats.

Portrait de Spamisalreadyinuse


Portrait de Biznasty
I'm pretty sure I don't like

I'm pretty sure I don't like the idea of Featured Auctions, specially if some items end up being exclusive to that. If they're just costumes, I'll be disappointed, since they'll likely go for ridiculous prices (~38mil total crowns in the auction event... no item went for lower than 1,5mil. Basically, $50 - $300 for one accessory... Yeah, no. :\) , although it's fine... but unique weapons, or whatever else? Yeahhhh I don't like that.

A bit disappointed there's no actual new dungeons coming up. Been what, over four months since the latest dungeon. (IMF) Shadow Lairs are far too much like their original dungeons, and far too expensive, still. Didn't take long for me to get bored and get tired of the prices. And considering a game that has been alive for this long still only has 4 bosses... that's quite disappointing. Even for a casual game.

Regardless, took you god damn long enough to release personal color changing. :l
Scenario Rooms and Drone monsters sound pretty neat. Looking forward to it.

Portrait de Silphius
Nick, could you elaborate on

Nick, could you elaborate on how those European servers would work?

For example: currently I'm seeing a lot of wonderful new people in lockdown who are American, would I see those people a lot less if European servers were implemented?

Portrait de Heimdallr

Personal Color Changers
A personal color changing item will be available that will allow you to permanently change your personal color to any of the colors available at character creation. This item will cost crowns and can be purchased and used as often as you like.


*Cries manly tears of joy*

Portrait de Volebamus
I'm liking news of these

I'm liking news of these updates.

Only thing of concern is weapons in Featured Auctions, but I doubt they'll be so great. It's not like OOO needs them to be anywhere close to powerful for players to jump at them, especially remembering how people acted towards Blackened Crest, Quicksilver set, and currently the Darkfang Shield.

Portrait de Psychodestroyer
I think...

The servers are just to speed up connection in the area. So players will experience less lag and all that. The information being relayed (is that the right word?) across the server will still be the same as the data across the other server, it's just the server is closer to European players, so their connection will be better.

It won't affect the people who you see in game, just game performance. People type are determined by the language settings of the game, not by the servers.

Am I right?

Portrait de Mightyputty
Awe Yeah.

Now this is a good update. I can't wait until it comes out. Less lag for our guild's European players (most of us), and scenarios? I'll take that any day.

Portrait de Vescrit
Oh joy!

I personally see it as just a small step, yes it's not a new dungeon, but it's a step. We've been seeing lots of updates. I love multiple small updates, it builds an appetite for the next HUGE update to come around.

As for the auctions, kind of meh because I still think Auctions will only be for the richest of the rich who can afford to try for.

Portrait de Hollafamer

My only gripe is these auctions are taking money out of spiral economy. Players are spending their crowns on these items and then when the auction over the money they spent don't go to another player. Basically taking money out of the game.

Portrait de God-King

Crown sinks are a good thing, last time I checked.


the auctions cost crowns and if thers no upper limit i can imagine real money payers spending humongous amounts of energy to buy crowns, itd reduce energy prices

u guys make it sound like a drama(like shadow lair sounds to me)

Portrait de Vlad
I can see...

That there will be a shortage in Green Knights.

Portrait de Hollafamer
god king

your right the cr sink is good but still other items that are being sold are gonna take a hit.

Portrait de Smur
i actually want to turn

i actually want to turn green, and I WANT A GOLD CUIRASS >:O

Portrait de Evilduck
So wait, if I'm in Europe and

So wait, if I'm in Europe and I connect to a European server, that's not going to stop me playing with my American friends? The only difference to me would be who I group with in random groups?

*fist pump*

Portrait de Triarii
Sounds Good

So far what you have said will come sounds great!

I do agree with Chris, though. If these new weapons are anything more than novel or aesthetic, it will create an imbalance in gameplay giving p2p players an edge to dominate more than they do now. This could be a whole new shadow key fiasco, but at least the new shadow armors weren't significant in giving a competitive edge.

Although I hope I am wrong and the new content isn't gambling or costing 50,000+ credits just to try (shadow lairs).

Keep up the good work Nick and all the other "Tech Knights".

Portrait de Psychodestroyer

That's what you think.

My knight stays green and will always be green. Psychodestroyer will not change!

Besides, green looks good on his costume set.

Portrait de Shuichi

My crowns... *Shuichi cries pitifully*

Portrait de Tantarian

Sounds cool Nick.
Last weeks I had been wondering where the lore of the game had gone to. The only really cool bit available is Firestorm Citadel lore and it's Wiki only.

Portrait de Knightrails
Gawd, I have a bad feeling

Gawd, I have a bad feeling about my wallet after Featured Auctions comes out. :X

Portrait de Psychodestroyer

I don't think that'll change either.

Nick said that the grouping is on people in your area, but that is determined only by your language setting. SO if we're both set to the same english setting, and you hit join party, you could end up in my party. Or LD group. It doesn't matter.

So no difference really, aside from Game graphics performance.

As far as I can tell :/ Correct me if I'm wrong.

Portrait de Godzy

Personal Color Changes¡

Portrait de Myllakka

!!! GIANT SCISSORS YESSSS. I have reservations about this whole 'featured auction' thing, but it would all depend on how it's implemented, what kind of items is in it, and how often things go on sale for.

Personal colour change = amazing and I'm totally looking forward to this. ♥ I hope this is coming soon, oh I hope I hope!

New crown sinks ftw.

Portrait de Evilduck
@Psycho What he said

@Psycho What he said was:
However we would group players in random parties, pvp groups etc. with other players of a similar region as we do currently. This is currently dictated by your language setting.
which suggests to me that before now, our language setting has decided which PUG we go into, but after this change the server we use will also be considered. Why else would be even mention how PUG are chosen?

Portrait de Rangerwillx

Well, Myllakka, be prepared to pay 10M cr then.

Portrait de Psychodestroyer

Kinda confusing I know. But I think it won't change. I guess we'll just have to wait for Nick to clarify, although I'm pretty sure it won't change.

Clueless is clueless is me ><