Ive heard rumors of people who claim to have soloed Vanaduke. Im still in T2 but ive watced videos on Youtube and it seems pretty hard,even with 4 people.So,the question still remains:Is it possible to solo Vanaduke?Please tell me.
Soloing Vanaduke Possible?
Holy moly a performance well done for a single knight to have the ability to solo vanaduke.Seems cool wish i could do that deed.
I've done it once; it's not THAT hard. But there's a number of things you have to keep track of which is much more difficult when you're alone.
1. Shadow Fire and keeping it from getting out of control.
2. Slags/Slag guards and not getting cornered.
3. Where Vana is when off the screen, since he's always going to be targeting you. One ill-timed charge is enough to end you.
Bring a Shivermist Buster and a Blitz Needle or Argent Peacemaker.
Thanks for tips.I will use them when i face him for real (and are you sure Vanaduke is a he? Vana sounds girlish. Lol)
Of course, he's Vanaduke, not Vanaduchess.
Why would you bring a Shivermist into a solo run? You really shouldn't be setting bombs at Vanaduke.
When you're using your gun, make sure you never get stuck in the reload animation. Otherwise, it's pretty easy. Dodge falling stuff, spam water from afar (WHEN IT'S SAFE), wear fire-resistant gear (vog cub works fine since Vana is mostly normal damage with a very slight amount of elemental).
Why bring a Shivermist?
Because it's faster, that's why.
Then again, it only really works when you can pull it off, my current methods are refined from someone who doesn't play anymore.
Also Alertninja, feel free to add me if you want, for whatever reason, don't care why, but you can.
people have soloed vanaduke in full proto gear.... It just took them like 4hrs to kill him
Took MrGreedy less. He's in mah guild :D
unless you mean in FULL proto with the gun as well; then that would take forever. @_@
But in Proto armor yeah, its been done easily
I've soloed Vana myself (as have 1000s of others) with only 1 or 2 revives due to my stupidity. In the end, Polaris won me the fight as i used it for 4 of 5 stages :3
@Blitz users at stage 5
How do you do that without dying???!?!?!?!?!!11/1/!?!
Also I just recently fought Vana with my guild and died ofc. But while dead, I had some mist so I tried using the revive blast on him.
It works, knocks him a fair distance and stuns him briefly :D
That'll make this fight a lot easier.
@Xylka's Blitz User @P5
Simple. Either we have a Shiverlocker, we dodge well, or we plan it at the right time (Shoot right when he launches his mace.). I do all 3. ;)
It looks hard at first, but once you do it multiple times it gets quite easy. Practice, I guess.
I can believe people doing Vanaduck in proto gear in a group (e.g. they were carried). I can even believe soloing vana with proto armor, since the difference between full vog cub and full proto armor is probably one or two hits. Soloing vana in full proto gear though? Maybe back when you could glitch vana on a fountain and put the zombies up on the top, although trying to shield bump zombies with a proto shield may be impossible. But soloing the current vana in full proto? I would need to see a video to believe it. Remember, proto gear reaches its maximum damage before the bottom of T1 and its damage slowly drops all through T2. By Vanaduck, the proto gun may well be doing around 5 damage per shot.
I'm with Algol-Sixty
Full proto seems impossible now without 10000s of ce
In armor only, its believable if you have the right weaps.
Full proto isn't hard because of any sense of challenge, it is "Hard" because it will be insanely time consuming and anyone who can do it doesn't care to waste the time.
Well its also hard to sustain not getting hit for like 6+ hours (if you are doing it solo). That's why I'm keeping my twins and royal jelly versions of the kills and holding it there.
Yes, it is possible.
I ventured alone after my random party left one by one and the 5-maxed-health noob who died too much in depth 25 left because he couldn't pay the elevator fee. How he was the party leader is beyond me -- he probably joined a tier-3 friend and people kept on leaving the party. I guess the Fiend stratum before Firestorm Citadel didn't help.
Although because everyone left, I soloed Lord Vanaduke without dying for the first time. It wasn't as fun because it took too long to venture through FSC and I didn't have "speed run" weapons.
I've done it without taking damage, many times.
Few videos up on youtube of mine atm:
Vanaduke: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B4JJ6glM8x0
Fsc + Vanaduke: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=avddJzp2bhg
I see. So shivermist is a blitz needle only thing. Doesn't seem like it would work well with a non-autogun though. How is the AP charge these days?
If you want to solo the entire FSC, I would suggest Electron Vortex, Divine Avenger, Blitz Needle, and Leviathan. I don't have half of those weapons, but from what I've seen they work well in most situations. Choose a mix of shadow, elemental, and fire resist.
Chris said "I've done it without taking damage, many times."
You are confusing No deaths with No damage. ATM you haven't recorded any zero damage taken run of Vanaduke. In fact, your cleanest solo is in your link. You get hit more than a dozen times and you blow your most of your items and all of your pills. And this was with using a Blitz.
You told me on my flawless kill thread that you'd actually have this a day after you got your computer too. I didn't forget. I figured you woulda had it instead of being BEHIND me when it came clean vanaduke solos (while I was primarily working on Full Proto Solos mind you).
Next time back up your words with facts and you won't be losing respect from yet another person...
Anyway Full proto? As in the proto weapons and shield too?
Good luck
I don't hate Chris at all. Although he tends to say that he's gonna do something when he's actually not able to. In this one instance, its' his fault. For the most part I respect him as a player.
Although, if he says he can kill Vanaduke without taking any damage at all and never successfully does it...would this frustrate you whether or not you like the player as a person?
Lol, yes. It isn't as hard as you think. Type in vana solo on youtube.