I feel bad about that thread I have made, However I am going to start a new char, Do whatever you guys advice me.
Please. Tell me what to do.
Find the Town and spam gates? o.o
First Impressions on SK, RE
Never beg for a free stuff? Do I look like a BEGGAR?
We can't visually see you, so our response is silent.
there are LOTS of beggars, youll see soon.
btw, get a forum char.
scroll up, click on forum preferences (next to the search bar), edit profile and choose a pic.
Step 1: Find the gate with Snarbolax in it and farm it for A: a bristling buckler shield, and B: a snarble barb.
Step 2: Buy yourself a wolver or dusker set in the auction house, along with a nightblade
This will set you up for Step 3: Find the gate with Royal Jelly in it and farm it for crowns and a sealed sword.
If you find that your dodging skills in the clockworks are quite good, then skip step 4: Buy a (horned) owlite shield and a magic/elemental armor set in the auction house.
Step 5: Find the gate with the roarmulus twins on it and farm it for a static capacitor and a pulsar
Along the way, you should be finding recipes for, and upgrading your equipment with the following end-game sets in mind: If you didn't get the magic/elemental set, upgrade your wolver gear to Vog Cub. If you did get the magic/elemental set, upgrade the hood to divine veil and the cloak to Grey Feather, and upgrade your wolver to a skolver coat and a vog cub cap. Upgrade your snarble barb, bristling buckler, nightblade, plasma capacitor and owlite shield along their respective lines. Upgrade the sealed sword to a Divine Avenger, and the pulsar to a polaris.
This will set you up for most of Tier 3. On random levels, take the skolver coat and divine veil, and for Firestorm Citadel take the grey feather cloak and vog cub cap (or just the vog cub if you didn't get the magic/elemental set).
This is step 6, of course: Cart yourself down to Firestorm Citadel with your Divine Avenger, Barbarous Thorn Blade, Polaris and Voltaic Tempest, and get your char-broiled ass handed to you the first dozen or so trips. That's assuming you make it past the fiend levels that will inevitably be ahead of FSC (A valkyrie set and a dread skelly shield will help here, so long as you don't mind the skirt and ponytail).
Now, what not to do: Buy your way to endgame with CE and get yourself killed because you have no skill and poor gear choices. Buying CE in general is still a good idea if you don't have a lot of time to invest grinding levels for crowns to trade for CE, especially with the exchange rates these days, but it's not strictly necessary.
You can certainly vary this build as you see fit, depending on what types of play style you enjoy or just whatever tickles your fancy. I'm sure people will be happy to chime in with variations they prefer.
Most of all, enjoy dungeoning, make friends, read the wiki, and try not to judge things too quickly.
Why start a new character? Your current one already has adequate gear for delving into the Clockworks. Just add more to your arsenal.
Way to go to show the guy personalization xD Continue and say "and turn it into Divine Avenger, get a Vog Cub set and grind Vanaduke forever".
As Lezrock says, use your current one and move on! As you uncover more and more you will see how much content this game actually has.
@Aumir Hehe, well I don't expect anyone would follow the plan to the letter. It's just a basic framework to build off of, and keep out of noob traps.
Half the fun of the game is playing around with different equipment combos and building up different sets. At the same time, you don't want to spend too much time off in the weeds or you'll end up ill-prepared for a lot of the content you might be interested in later.
To begin the long, long, long list of what could be posted:
Learn the markets and playstyle of the game before EVER raging or complaining.
Never whine about CE
Never beg for free stuff
Be friendly
Refer to ToS for the rest of this list
Got to go to bed so I cant type much at the moment. May come back for more in depth posting tomorrow.