Look what if SK made a cartoon with like a ton of us and character such a vannanduke and the jelly king and more would you whatch it?
About blank to what if they made a SPIRAL KNIGHTS CARTOON, would you whatch it ?

Look would you rather have motoin picture or stand alon inmotoin picture that you read

Comic please.
Cartoons are childish.

Either is fine as long as its good and not cheesy.
Comic should come with the newsletter, and cartoon, if at all, should be probably an "OnDemand" Feature or just DVD w/e.
And Smogrn you sure are post happy. ;)
P.S Grammar please :U

NO! If they made a 2D version of the game on the Android App store I WOULD PLAY IT THOUGH!

I want posts from users I can actually read and make sense of.

I'd be happy to contribute, but I already stated my opinion on this.

A cartoon series? I'd watch it.
Though going from cartoon stereotypes...
The main character/hero will most definitely be a Cobalt armor wearer since the Cobalt set seems to be the "uniform" of the Knights and most of the promo art features it.
Jelly set wearer and Chroma set wearer will be the "Bulk and Skull" of the show.
Plate Set wearer gets to be Big guy/muscle.
Magic Set wearer is the nerd.
There will only be one girl on account of Smurfette principle and it's going to be the one wearing the Spiral Tailed helm (as opposed to say the Emberbreak or Valkyrie sets).
Tinkinzar will sit on his rear all day and wonder what's for dinner.

Depends on how good the cartoon is. Hopefully they avoid this. It also depends on when it airs (as I don't watch tv all the time.)

It shouldnt be a dumb cartoon they should make it just like the game the graphics everything but they should base it on a knights every day life in sk
I'd prefer Ian making a seperate webcomic exclusively for Spiral Knights, especially since the guy from VGCats scrapped the idea to make a bad Steve Jobs joke.