So, this morning when I woke up, I saw that someone posted a scam thread, claiming that a program would generate 100ME every 10minutes. The thread had been around for 6 hours and 18 people had even replied to it, most saying things like it is a scam, the OP could get banned, it was a violation of the ToS, etc.
Apparently, despite people putting effort into posting replies, no one actually bothered to report thread to the GMs! It took under 5 minutes from the time I reported the scammer and a GM removing the thread. Seriously, the GMs are pretty good about taking care of this kind of thing, it is well worth your time to report scammers. Just click on the "support" link at the top-right of every page of the forums/website. Then click on the "Contact In-Game Support" link.
Good point. A lot of people think they don't wanna waste time doing that. I do it a lot when I see such threads, but not always.