ok there it is about to be construct, we need to put in more red and purple into the new vana gate stratum 5 where is all of the dump bunches in people at? the economy needs a boost, now is not a good time for constructs and good elevator pass FSC farming guys its gonna be bad
come on guys we only have 45 minutes

i wanted to ask something:

success! we got gremlin! And I didn't even have to use my luminite!
LOL some loser was whining about how much he hated gremlin bombers. What a noob.
Alternating from construct to shock to slime to freeze and undead etc. before finally ending on Gremlin.
Quite entertaining. That's also the first time I saw the animation of all the arcade things retracting and coming back up, which was cool.

WOW you guys are SOOOOO dumb
elevator pass + vanaduke being like GREMLINS (omg guys)
Your greaters have foretold this economy ending like this. Now they also said youd learn fiends which you would have if you would have just tried to learn em guys or maybe gotten a piece of shadow gear which actually helps a ton. I made a polaris and learned to spam it in dark cities and watch as everything dies and i unexpectedly dodge it isnt that hard guys if you try and it keeps a good majority away helping the economy.

I still don't have a Blackened Crest. So go cry to your mommy. I'm sick of it being Fiend every time. It's not even about what's "hard" or "easy". It's just boring.

Fiends are boring until you get good at fighting them. IMO, they are one of, if not the most fun enemy in the game. Nobody really likes fiends until they know how to beat them and such: I learned from experience.
I used to hate Dark City so bad. Now, if I get it, I'm happy. :)

Lame. I wanted Fiends. Devilites are the easiest of all families.

Only Pros like and want fiends, a friend once told me. ;)
Edit: @Dirt

I'd like to note.
I forgot to dump my minerals, only to remember five minutes too late!
I blame that sleeptrain we were doing while bored.
@Batabii - Say that to people who have been forced to play countless gremlin/undead/poison stratums for several months, with the terrible Jigsaw Valley and Concrete Jungle levels. I honestly wouldn't mind something like jelly, shock, maybe even beast... But when we end up getting Jigsaw Valley or Concrete Jungle, that just irks me. Levels like that are usually the common result if nobody massdumps. Personally, Dark City at least has a little bit challenge, and it's more rewarding/faster than most other levels anyway.

blergh i still say fiends are boring xD this is a nice change for once (other times i had to run the first stratum by myself because nobody wanted to play it) so yeah i got bored with dark city... i played a cooling chamber with fiends (yes snowball trowing buggers) and i had a BLAST playing that lvl (took me long enough tough) and yes i was also there putting in lot's crystals into the gate changing it to god knows what but everything other then fiends haha. i'm happy, if next week is fiends again? i don't care, i do hope this trend keeps up. fiends every other gate can be a nice change.

I too, would love Beasts, also for the sake of my monster bones. :P I also didn't get a chance to dump my minerals, sadly. How 'bout we try to make it [whispers to Biznasty, JELLAH] next time =]?
Either way:
I like fiends, I was being a bit sarcastic on my Pro's w/ fiends post, but it is slightly true, that only the endgame players like fiends.
EDIT: @Tammytryhard
Eh... I'm tired, was drivin for 8 hours yesterday.... Was on earlier. XD And by garbage... Please do tell me what you mean on our KaD guild forums o.o. (Kad.guildportal.com)

I'm still sad because the game sneaked a Treasure Vault in there.

Bigfootm, get online so I can come back to K&D. I'm sick of every guild treating me like garbage. =(

> that only the endgame players like fiends
meh, fiends before fsc are silly... and fsc is boring anyway. Its more fun doing a fiend/undead arena at the 6th stratum.

What's wrong with Jigsaw Valley?
And treasure vault also means graveyard. which is a good thing.
When's the last time that stratum was Beast themed?

I'm glad it's not fiends. Now I can attempt low level solo runs on FSC again.

Only Pro's like and want fiends, a friend once told me. ;)
This made me rage. Good job, Bigfootm.

It was, he changed knights and now all old posts of BigfootM are suddenly Chrono-Chaos.

I feel the need to quote Tychus Findlay:
"Hell, it's about time."
I was getting really tired of fiends before every Vana gate being made. Gets old after a while, you know?

Good, screw fiends and all the idiots who keep putting purple and red into the Vanaduke gate (or for that matter, ANY gate) to create fiend Stratums

I was at work so I couldn't dump my minerals.. but if you can't learn to fight fiends like the rest of us you don't deserve to fight Vanaduke. But joy, you have Gremlins now! Another worthless monster family before Vanaduke.. like the previous poison. >.>
Side note.. there have been plenty of tier 3 beast levels in other gates. The game doesn't revolve around FSC or RJP.

Congratulations to everyone who defeated the pro Fiend crowd! Lets do it again next time!!

What's so "worthless" about gremlins?!
Also I'm not talking about other gates. When's the last time there were beasts pre-vanaduke? Or construct.

Not liking fiends =/= bad at killing fiends, but I suppose uninformed assumptions are just the way of the internet nowadays, huh?
Also, since when do you get to decide who 'deserves' to run FSC? Anonymity does funny things to people.

"What's so "worthless" about gremlins?!"
Decon Zones. I hate them for some reason.

Am I the only one who likes Decon Zones?

I used to like them more when I was new, I was under the assumption that they somehow paid better. Now I don't care one way or another, except noobs like to sabotage us by opening the wrong gate.
Also it's fun slaughtering huge mobs of gremlins. http://steamcommunity.com/id/Batabii/screenshot/560917821007301348

Oh yeah, I dumped about 1500 yellow into that stratum.
Since yellow is the anti-mineral to a fiend stratum it locked the theme to a random one (gremlin), saying "anti-mineral disruption detected". This should work next time, at least that's how I understand it. Guess I'm picking up yellow for a while.

Let me rephrase: "If you have a BTB/FF/Puercing Sword, you may like fiends."
Fiends are boring and don't drop much. I rather like gremlins with their t3 white spin, and in the absence of any good arena t3's, I'll probably be playing against gremlins a bit.
I wouldn't mind another monster that had 3 attack patterns. Overall, most stuff is predictable.
this troll attempt is full of win