Regalia was all Power Ranger colors until purple. D:
Anyway, push-to-talk voicechat is very much appreciated, and everything else is also welcome.
Regalia was all Power Ranger colors until purple. D:
Anyway, push-to-talk voicechat is very much appreciated, and everything else is also welcome.
Shidara - In the mean time, I've added a lot of Lavender Personal Colors to the Featured Auctions.
@Slayzz - The point of the scissors is just to have a cool near-exclusive item. Obviously, if you were to find somebody with that balde who had very high ASI and CTR you'd be pretty well amazed with them, and thats basically what they're for. In other words, its a trophy. I argue that OOO needs to make a 5* Winmillion instead but I digress.
Just how much less rare are the rarer items in lockboxes? and which ones are considered rarer? bomb bandoliers? or just volcanic/divine/prismatic?
are they 1% less rare? 0.1%? 5%? can we get any kind of idea what we're dealing with here, because that just sounds like a bad advert...
"rated number 1 accesory based product" (Small print - number 1 when we asked 1 person.. who also works for us.. and we paid them for the answer)
Please, please let us preview colours. D: I don't even know which purple is the purple I want, and I'd love to be able to see how it looks with my other armour combinations.
5* winmillion should be the next patch (I hope): There has been a high want for it for so much time... There are tons of suggestions too.
I guess that the scissor blades are just a novelty item. I am one of those people who just don't get the point of expensive yet almost useless things. I like things that have a lot of functions, and are efficient, in terms of price. To me, getting a different-looking Levi is a waste of resources. That is obviously just me though, as everyone is entitled to their opinion on this. If you want to be unique and and get the scissor blades, then more power to you. :) If you don't, then you save a crapload of crowns.
I REALLY wanted the Purple Rose Regalia, but itssss soo costly!!
Well.. w/e I guess. Guess it's doing its job as a crown sink.
I came here to the forums for the sole purpose of posting this as my first post: That I am really disappointed that the love puppy set isn't permanent. I really wanted to be decked out as the pink heart-shooter 24/7 but apparently that isn't possible. If it lasted forever I would be shelling out, but since it isn't I don't want to set myself up for the heartache of it expiring at the end of the month's time.
There's still a timer on the Buy it now auctions. Does that mean regardless of how many are bought, they'll disappear in 2 days? D;
Chic: Unfortunately, that's exactly what it means. Not too many people are going to buy this stuff since it's so expensive, which makes the ones that are bought collector's items.
Coral Rose does not look anything close to pink, more of a purple-shaded blue. I expected bright pink.
Nick may I request for Color Change preview please? Using Spiral Spy to preview is one trick but not too convenient (and legal?)
I really like the idea of the Featured Auctions. I kinda wish there were more though. Also, they should be a bit more... permanent. The idea of an item going away after 30 days would make me hesitant in buying it.
Although I really wish there was some more aesthetic mid-game content. Most of the costumes and such go for 30k+ at the Auction House, which is far beyond the budget of someone like myself (running around with mostly 3* equipment, killing the JK as often as possible).
I'm flashing back to Team Fortress 2...
Huh. Will the Scissor Blades appear as a Recipe upgrade of the Ascended Calibur at the Tier 3 Terminal? I hope they do. I wonder if the Recipe would be different than the Leviathan's.
Glad to see the devs posting in some thread!
Please, please add color previews on Vatel. I have no problem spending such a hefty price for a color, but I need to see what it looks like. When you first create your knight you can see it, and so many colors are similar that seeing it will alleviate any doubt
The following items will be immediately available in Featured Auctions:
- Scissor Blades - Leviathan Blades custom made by Bechamel to resemble giant shears. They function EXACTLY like Leviathan Blades in practice, but have a unique look.
- Chapeau of the Coral Rose - A new pink Rose Regalia costume helm
- Chapeau of the Violet Rose - A new purple Rose Regalia costume helm
- Tabard of the Coral Rose - A new pink Rose Regalia costume armor
- Tabard of the Violet Rose - A new purple Rose Regalia costume armor
- Personal Colors - Also available from Vatel in the Haven Bazaar, these items allow you to change your Knight's personal color
- Prime Bombhead Mask - Didn't make it to PAX? Here's your chance to get the commemorative mask!
Nice. If I ever complete my weapon and armor collection I might try to buy these.
- Trojan Disguise - A mask that makes you resemble a fearsome trojan! (Lasts 30 days)
- Love Puppy Disguise - A mask that makes you resemble a super-cute love puppy! (Lasts 30 days)
Only 30 days? OOO, I am disappoint.
Personal Colors
Vatel has upgraded his recipe shop to now sell 'general goods' and has a selection of items that allow Knights to change their personal color. Each color from Knight creation is available. Once used, your personal color will change to the color of the item and the item will be destroyed.
A much requested feature. Now I can change my knight's color if I want. I haven't looked at the cost yet, but I don't care about that. Even better, I wasn't expecting it this early. Thank you for adding this! =D
The official game credits are now accessible from the 'About' tab in the options menu.
Easter egg? Perhaps. Perhaps not. One way to find out. d=
- Surgebreaker, Blizzbreaker, and Blazebreaker gear now have correct art.
Cool. I didn't like that they started differently but looked the same in the end. Now they'll look unique. I'll check out the new art as soon as I can.
Overall, very nice patch. I look at it as a nice gift to the players going into the holidays. Thank you OOO. (:
Great patch.
Only problem is, each of the colour changers costs 50k cr
preview on color change an absolute must. i'd have switched already (with intents on switching back, mind you. whats 50k crowns vs looking cool :)
i liked the idea of buying a mask for 30 days..would have been great and worth a ton if it was
"hey guys, there is one trojan mask. one love pup mask. it is buyable in 30 day incraments. WHO WILL WIN IT THIS MONTH1!!!!!" then there would be some clout in paying nearly a million crowns to wear the luv/trojan mask for the month. and be the only one on the game with it :)
All looks good so far, but i do think the scizzors should get something more to make it feel..........more special.
I'd also like to see some accesories at the featured auctions.
Just a few ideas:
Snarbolax Tail
Vanadukes mask
Vanadukes cape
Love pocket puppy.(Similiar to the one bechamael/The accezoriser has)
Anyway, great update. Just "donated" 20k CE to the market to help lower the prices and get st00f.:)
You may have missed the point of a rare exclusive item.
@Myllakka: But it also implies that the featured auctions are A. somewhat random, and B. has a list of items it can pick from. Eventually the Scissors should show back up in the featured section, but theres no telling how long before it'll be picked again, or the quantity offered in the next auction.
At any rate, the price of CE is starting to slide back downward. I'm betting with only 2 days to get it, people are trying to cash in the surplus CE from the last sale to get the Scissors before the auction ends.
My View On Some "Bugs":
Pink Rose Set:
Okay lets be honest Nick, Boswick was either color blind in making this or was in a rush to eat a chili dog he did a quick job on it and got the colors mixed up. This can't be Blackhat's work since only Boswick breaks things.
Scissor Sword:
Boswick again messed this up, he super glued my scissors together so they won't even open. Now how am I suppose to trim his bush?
"hey guys, there is one trojan mask. one love pup mask. it is buyable in 30 day incraments. WHO WILL WIN IT THIS MONTH1!!!!!" then there would be some clout in paying nearly a million crowns to wear the luv/trojan mask for the month. and be the only one on the game with it :)
Ahh, I see how it works. That's actually pretty clever, and an awesome crown sink. (:
Thanks mate, now at home gonna check ingame, the Scissors Blade.. is "affordable" to an extent but meh, gonna contemplate if tis worth $50 for the cosmetic Leviathan sword
That isn't how it works, rommil was saying he wished that was how it worked lol.
I wish we could get a little more info on how the featured AH is gonna work. Will there always be items on it? After these auctions are over will there be new different items? Will i buy a 4 uv ticket?? (god i hope not).
Saw the Featured Auctions and prices...
The Scissors i was going to but it i changed my mind, it doesn't open its scissors!
The Love Disguise, only the helm is worth getting it and only 30days...
I'll save my CE for another day
I like the Featured Auctions, it is a great concept. The Scissor price is just right considering the prior rare item auctions OOO held. The Trojan and Love Puppy disguises though... the cost is 1/3 a permanent item (Scissors) and just over 1/2 a standard costume (Regalia) but lasts only 30 day?
I think those items are a bit overpriced:
495,000 CR / 30 Days
7070 CE / 30 Days (@ 70 CR/CE)
~$19.95 / 30 Days (for the 7500 CE pack)
$0.66 / Day
For less than a cup of coffee, you too can look like a Love Puppy. But I think that a more reasonable price for something transient would be $0.20 / Day. So make it last 3 months or drop the price to somewhere around 165,000 CR. I prefer the former because then the barrier to entry is very high while having decent value/crowns.
I have to agree on the color comments. Coral is a much more pink than purple color. For reference:
Disguise requests: Basil, a Bush.
Is anyone else a little bothered by the fact that most "featured auctions" aren't actually auctions? Is OOO going to move most of the other stuff you can buy from vendors over to the "auction" house? Are we going to be stuck having to click an extra button to get to the real auction house forever? Are regular players going to be able to sell things on the featured auctions? Or, at least put up 1000 shards and let people buy as many of them as they want, like you can with the featured "auctions"?
Yeah, these aren't huge problems, I'm just a little bothered....
@Myllakka Urgh really?! I already felt bad for all the girls (and some boys?) that want the Pink/Violet stuff since they're way more expensive than most Regalia sets... + I don't know about most people but the reason why I would want Scissors is because I love sewing and clothes, accessories, fashion... But of course I'm not willing to buy these ;/
I feel like, this is like (kinda) the worst update for girls.. AHHH D; lol
And the pink is like lavender. bawww.
I'm just glad I knew what I was doing when I picked my starting colour. 50k cr just to change your colour is ludicrous, I don't care about comparisons to other games' concepts. Should'a been half the cost, or maybe even just 20k (the price of 1 UV, and even then I'd rather roll a UV). You can't even preview them to see what you're buying, so how is that fair at all?
Featured Auctions as I said; are just another thing for rich players and rich people; like what every update for this game has become ever since the Accessories patch. Thank god Accessories (for the most part) aren't ridiculously expensive anymore; aside from super rare ones, which is perfectly fine.
I hate sounding like such a complainer all the time, but I'm sick of being part of a game that's so divided. I stopped playing YGO so seriously for that reason, needing to spend $450 on 3 Pot of Dualities and $160 on 2 Solemn Warnings, and now about $400 of Tour Guides just to get anywhere in a tournament. This is what this game is becoming honestly (although to a lesser extent). A game shouldn't be exclusive, nor should a community. Not everyone has hundreds of dollars to shell out on an MMO, or all the time in the world to be grinding Jelly Kings or Vanas. Mind you, I'm a player who has shelled out money, and who also has a pretty decent collection of gear in-game; and even I think this exclusiveness is just plain ridiculous. I'm feeling Deja Vu all over again. I'm also just sick of cosmetic updates. I know actual content takes tons of work and programming and waiting until the planets are perfectly aligned and all kinds of crazy stuff, but can we get something? ANYTHING? Shadow Lairs were cool, besides the fact that it's ridiculously priced, and farming them is pointless since you most likely just neg yourself anyway, and again; it's pretty much rich-people exclusive unless you're lucky to get an invite. I still have yet to do UFSC, and I don't think I'll be doing it for sometime.
I'unno, you guys may just think I'm butthurt or whatever, but I'm someone who left a community for these exact same reasons. I don't like stuff being exclusive to rich people ($50 dollars for Scissor Blades? It's "super rare" 'cus who the hell can afford that?). Everyone should have at least a CHANCE to get things they want/need.
I love this game, I love the devs, I love all their hard work and I appreciate all of it, PLEASE don't get me wrong. I'm just tired of this hogwash.
Now I'mma be late for class, 'cus I rant too much. I'll check up later.
Some thoughts of mine:
Featured auctions: Cool. As I am a "middle class" player -- i.e. I pay sometimes but I don't throw money at the game -- I'm not too upset at the prices and I think it's cool some people can get what they want while lowering CE prices for the rest of us. Sure I want some of the stuff and I'm not even close to affording it, but I'd rather be able to buy CE and get my gear in gear first.
Costumes: The only suggestion I would have is to lower the prices of the 30 day masks somewhat. If they were at an affordable range, say 30k-100k, I think a lot more people would buy them and want to buy them continuously, rather than just a few people buying them once and deciding the cost is too high. Of course, since these prices are (I'm assuming) experimental, you guys will know what to adjust it to later.
Colors: Awesome! I've been wanting to change my personal color for a while. The only thing I (and others) would like is the ability to preview the colors, as many of the icons look to be the same color. My friend had to start a new character just to see what the colors looked like and then had to guess what the names were. Also, I would like to see an option to change the "design" color -- newbie me thought a gray proto armor would look cool but now it just looks boring. Since that color only affects the proto armor iirc, it should be rather cheap.
#1 Preview on color change.
#2 For God's sakes, make the Auction House start on regular Auction and we can click "featured Auctions" to look at those. I frequent the AH for mats and items and such numerous times daily, the interface sucks, having an extra click every single time....
I don't find the prices to be too high, people complaining about the prices better get used to it because this is pretty much the only way for the devs to combat crown inflation. If there isn't something desirable to the players behind the crown wall then it isn't a very good crown sink. Let's face it, the two demographics that OOO gets most of their income from are new players and super-rich players who spend way too much money on this game. New players buy CE to play further and get more equipment quickly and rich players to try out new expensive stuff. At the same time the crown sinks help retain new players by lowering the price of CE. With the two main paying demographics satisfied there is no reason to cater to the F2P middle class and I wouldn't expect OOO to. As a free player I expect to face harder challenges than my peers who paid and feel pride when I can match them regardless. Or at least that is just my opinion.
Also, in the same vein don't expect any new content to come cheaply, you can bet any new end-game content will be expensive. Otherwise it would be extremely unprofitable to construct end-game content. Fact is, end-game players for the most part are done the game, have all the equipment they want (otherwise they aren't really end-game) and are just accumulating money. They aren't going to shell out money for elevator fees for new stratums like new players are. They'll only pay money if they have to get something beyond their reach, something very expensive. I expect that is the premise OOO is operating under and since they're a company that needs to make money.
I'd like to see you beat me in lockdown with your "exclusive" equipment.
I completely agree that the scissor blades should have a special feature. To be honest with everyone, I expected the scissor blades to act like a dual wielded cutter. The actual stats took me by surprise.
+1 for Snarby tail
-1 for vanaduke mask
How do you think he will feel when he finds out his mask was stolen? Lol
A Big part (although not necessarily a real part of the update) I like is the entire CR4CE price drop! It went down like 400 crowns yesterday! Thanks for making Crowns useful again to balance Crystal Energy, although its more for the aesthetic aspect over power/gameplay aspect.
Ah, so they are the same. Only other reason I could see for getting this is that maybe they break rocks in one hit instead of three? Same with minerals? They did say that they could cleave through rock. Yea, I'm looking for any reason why someone would get this over a Levi. Costs much more (Levi- buy at tempered Calibur (18k crowns), 4* recipe + 5* recipe = 35k crowns, 1200 • 7000 (wost case scenario to CE prices- 7k cr) = 84k crowns. 18k + 35k + 84k (+ 6k for materials needed) = 143k crowns to make leviathan blade. You could make 10 leviathan blades with 1.5 million crowns, or get something useful, like UVs. I don't see where I am going with this....