After a few posts mentioning a certain enemy, I came to the conclusion that they will not return unless we have more support. Which enemy you ask? Tortodrones. I remember Nick posting (I forgot which thread) that tortodrones would be back (with some new attacks), but they haven't come back since Nick's post and now.
If we get more people to request the return of T-drones, then maybe the Devs would bring it back.
If you want to have T-drones to return, then please state so in your post. If the Devs see it, they just might make the decision to re-integrate T-drones into normal gameplay. I honestly would be fine if they put it in LD as a surprise to all the players (they'd be like WTF) and have it there, but clockwork T-drones would be preferable. Thank you for taking the time to read this request. Hopefully you support it too!
Return of an enemy
Thu, 12/01/2011 - 15:53
Thu, 12/01/2011 - 16:12
There's a lot of preview
There's a lot of preview things that I think will be coming back. The way lichens looked came back! Haha! See through is way better than the solid color.
Thu, 12/01/2011 - 16:24
It doesn't matter if he comes
It doesn't matter if he comes back or not. He'll never be as much of a bro as he was before.
Thu, 12/01/2011 - 16:37
Don't forget that Drones are comming, so Torto might will be a boss in any tier... Just wait and see :)
That's probably an expansion, like it'll come ion a bundle when they do the core or some new clockworks exploration.