I dont know if its only me, or OOO did stupid thing with latest patch making mass buying on AH terrible pain in butt.
Usually i didnt have any problems with buyin like whole first bage of mats with buy it now (like 10 x 1 mat offers etc) but now for some unknown reason i have noticed that i have to wait 3 seconds after clicking an item on AH before Buy it now button will become active.
Im almost sure it wasnt like that before. You will say that 3 seconds is not much but with buying 10 items its half of minute when buing 20 its 1 minute it stacks up.
Did we just became victims of OOO caring for nervous ADHD kids who cant control their own body movements and complaned "omg OOO is so stupid, i clicked /buy it now/ button and i bought item, the /buy it now/ button and OOO is evil. /Buy it now/ button should not work since i dont want to actually buy things when i click /buy it now/ becouse everyone know that /buy it now/ actually dont mean 'buy it now' "
Just checked that out more, its not really 3 second waiting before buy it now button will become active. You have to wait 3 seconds after buying thing to be able to buy another thing. I see completly no sense in that.
Yes, yes it is.
I find myself avoiding single quantity items and paying a little more for the ones with 10+.