When I try to solo it, I either get killed by it's sleep breath or eaten. I think it needs a Nerf.
How do I defeat the Somnustilio?

Jim-Dale wishes to be the next chuck norr.....boswick.

Did you try grabbing the silver spoon and golden leaf?
After that you need to grab the pink chocolate cookie and throw it at him.
Then, while he is covered in chocolate, tie him up with the noodle of life.
You should be able to finish him off with your power puff girl sidekick.
If not, then I recommend going back to the land of candy and grabbing
the green candy and throwing that at the guardian of sweetness.
Please let me know if this helps.
The one and only, Guardianknight.

Eurydice is a power puff with a temper problem.
He drinks.

Use coffee and you'll be able to stay awake and defeat Somnustilio.

You probably haven't paid enough attention in the levels before the boss stratum. You know those beams of light shining around that wake you up if you fall asleep in them? There are some hidden swtches that re-route them through the floors, exposing more switches that re-route them again. You can get to the boss without doing so, but that's like getting surgery without anesthetic. Sure, you can do it, but why would you want to?
Where are those switches, you ask?
Heh heh. Hint: Ask Snarby

I somehow totally forgot about the throwable Coffee Cups. Thing is I can't make him eat them without his mouth open, and when that happens it's real hard to not get sleep-blasted.

I forgot about the throwable coffee cups.
What flavored coffee do you have in them?
If you put the right flavor in it then it should cancel the sleep.
I heard that you shouldn't use more then 5 cups.
Don't know if that's true.

ehm am I the one who has to say this cocaine is a hell of a drug

this cocaine makes me feel like im on this song......
spiralpsy content, maybe?

Jim Dale found out you need 100mg caffine per every liter of femoral blood in the Somnustilio to kill it.
New boss armor sucks.

i believe he means sloombargo... (i will post link at bottom) but other then spiralspy i see no way somone could fight one. nick took them out of the game. here is a link to the sllombargo page on the wiki. http://wiki.spiralknights.com/Lichen (scroll down to see the sloombargo)
they just trolling, to kill sloombargo just need a gun or sleep resist