The new guild called Insanty is mainly a gunners guild but also accepting all types of player eg. swordsman bombers etc.
Guild master: Jarrodbright
Insanty was started by Jarrodbright in turm's of making a nice mature guild. in experience of being in guild more and less serious i have found there is not much of the social side of thing, iam starting this guild for a fun group of people that u can just talk and chat too.
And when where not talking in chat where talking voice to voice in steam group chats, and for the people with out steam just in game lobby chat.
Recruiting Info
For the people that want to join Insanty where mainly looking for mature and very active people, and of course the gunners.
to Trial for Insanty u have to fill out these questions and mail it [in game] to Jarrodbright or Chadburgess
Whats your IGN [in-gamename].
How many hours can u play a week.
What tier to u normally run in.
What boss's have you killed.
Lowest depth solo'd
Do u go in Lockdown often
How do u get energy [CE]
Have u been in any other guild [list them if u have]
Why do u want to be in Insanty
What Gear do u have